Minority groups


gcse History (Germany) Note on Minority groups, created by k m on 26/04/2014.
k m
Note by k m, updated more than 1 year ago
k m
Created by k m over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1


What the Nazis didn't like about them

What the Nazis wanted to do with them

Laws the Nazis introduced to deal with them

gypsiesvagrants (beggars)black peoplementally ill

seen as a threat; non-Aryan; weren't making money

didn't work; weren't making money

seen as 'untermenschen' - subhumans - same as Nazi view of Jews

Nazis were convinced it was hereditary; could not be cured

determined to prevent them from mixing with Aryans

forced these groups into work

wanted to prevent them from mixing with Aryans

wanted to sterilise those they believed to be mentally ill; became even more extreme after outbreak of WW2

marriages between gypsies and Aryans banned (1935); decree for 'Struggle against the Gypsie plague' (1938) forced Jews to register so they could be controlled

the SS rounded up 100,000 vagrants and placed them in concentraton camps

Nuremburg Laws (1935) banned marriage between Aryans and black people; sterilised any children born to German women by black soldiers

sterilised 300,000 by 1945; public ambulance service ltd to kill them

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