May 2-3rd early mornng


Guitar/Japanese Note on May 2-3rd early mornng, created by zenithar6666 on 03/05/2014.
Note by zenithar6666, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by zenithar6666 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

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May 2-3rd early morningGuitar  Aprox 2 hours 15 mins, lots of little things done in that timenice work, and also noodled around during the day spend around 45 more doing itSPENT AROUND  40 mins songwriitng good stuff blue madnesss reviewdd scales up to Gb  aprox 10 mins  now i will leanr 2 chord scales did ab major chord scale aprox 5 mins Now onto major 7 arpegio review playing g amor arps and scalpe shpaes dn along sing string arps just gconneing the notes ] now b major did that 9 mins overall then i reviewd lyidan for 5 mins now onto ear trainign  15 misn to beginwith did 10 , to more later had a rough time with  the sus2 ssu4 and maj7 mi 7 compairsons reviewd major tirad and tones on string set 2 aprox 10 mins, now reviiwng the minor shapes only and then 1 min reivew of shapes on ss1 did taht aprox 3 mins, tommorw minor tirad wiht notes now playing major scales on two strings each  while naming notes JAPANESE  (tehnically did around 2 hours listenign as well!!!)Aprox  2 hours 24 mins (technically i could make this a few more hours if i incldue the listening, whic isuppose i really should!reading: apoxx 1 hour 24 mins!., great work and its about spacing it out rather then all in one go read again okay read fro around 30 more mins a full story,great story now for anohter 30 mins of reading then chillax did anothe 25 did around 90 kanji in around 30 mins  slow bu tok and lisetnign for those 30 mins did 25 misn sentnces, having breka then i will do more  did 10 more mins finsihed all readres sennces now staritn the rtk 2 readings for 20 misn finished did a 30 mins of reding ks blog, while lisenting great stuff so tahts so far is 1 horu 25 misn readgin1!

May 3rds spent a good 2 hours just making sences and lisetning!!

read up about songwriting a bit

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