Created by kirsten w
about 8 years ago
Copied by Atalya Nir
almost 8 years ago
Changes in demand'Explain the long- and short-term trends and patterns in international tourism.'
Changes in supplyExamine the changes in location and development of different tourist activities.Explain the growth of more remote tourist destinations
International sport participation and successExamine the social, cultural, economic and political factors affecting participation and success in two major international sports.
CS: Contemporary International Sports EventAnalyse the geographic factors that influenced the choice of venue(s).Examine the factors affecting the sphere of influence for participants and supporters.Evaluate the short- and long‑term geographic costs and benefits of hosting such an event at both the local and national level.
National tourist industryExamine the economic, social and environmental impacts of tourism.
EcotourismEvaluate the strategies designed to manage and sustain the tourist industry.
Tourism as a development strategyExamine the importance of tourism as a development strategy for low‑income countries.
Explain the hierarchy of a league and the location of its teams. Examine the relationship between team location and the residence of its supporters.
Tourism management in urban areasFor one named city or large town:- Describe the distribution and location of primary and secondary tourist resources- Discuss the strategies designed to manage tourist demands, maximize capacity and minimize conflicts between local residents and visitors, and avoid environmental damage.CS: Venetia
Tourism management in rural areasExamine the concept of carrying capacities in a rural tourist area.Discuss strategies designed to maximize capacity and minimize conflicts between local residents and visitors, and avoid environmental damage.CS: Machu Picchu
The leisure hierarchyExplain the relationship between urban settlements and recreational and sports facilities in terms of frequency, size, range and catchment area.
Intra-urban patternsExamine the distribution and location of recreational and sports facilities in urban areas and relate the patterns to accessibility, land value and the physical and socio‑economic characteristics of each urban zone (from the central business district to the rural–urban fringe).
Urban regenerationDiscuss the role of sport and recreation in regeneration strategies of urban areas.
Sustainable tourismDefine sustainable tourism.Examine the extent to which it might be successfully implemented in different environments.
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