

prmky nd frgn ky
dylan  murphy
FlashCards por dylan murphy, atualizado more than 1 year ago
dylan  murphy
Criado por dylan murphy quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Primary Key- A unique identifier foreign Key- used as a link to other tables Data structures made up of files files made up of records records made up of fields
Flat file database single table inefficient anomalies happen insertion update deletion Relational Database more than 1 table links tables in a relationship key links tables
validation Reduce likelihood of erroneous rules to create procees of ensuring data entered into a database meets a certain rule or rule to reduce the input of erroneous data Types of checks Presence- ensures that data must be entered in a field field length-details the number of characters in a field range check- used to ensure that data falls between two values Restricted access check- used to limit the user entry to a list of acceptable values


Comunicação de Dados e Redes
Dir. Civil - Pessoa Jurídica
Lucas Ávila
Conceitos de Contabilidade
Alessandra S.
Princípios da Administração pública
Jay Benedicto
Capitais do Mundo e curiosidades
Luiz Fernando
Regras para Crase
Bia aaa
Português - Formação das Palavras
Kleber Decol
Luíza Cristina
Investigação científica
Claudina Quintino
Teorias atomicas
Vitor Felix
Diogo Alcantara