Renaissance in the North of Europe


FlashCards sobre Renaissance in the North of Europe, criado por Rafael Arias em 26-09-2017.
Rafael Arias
FlashCards por Rafael Arias, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Rafael Arias
Criado por Rafael Arias aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
The printing revolution began with the first printing of the Christian Bible around 1455, in Mainz, Germany. This was achieved by Johann Gutenberg, the inventor of the printing press.
The Impact of the Printing Press The production of books transitioned from handwritten books to printed books, this diminished production times and made books easier to produce and more available. Because of this new form of producing books, the European population was more exposed to new ideas and higher levels of education.
The humanist writers of the North These writers, such as Desiderius Erasmus, Thomas More, and William Shakespeare, sought the expansion of Renaissance Ideas, such as the importance of education and moral reform. They also began to transition from writing in Latin to writing in the vernacular languages.
What is a vernacular language? Vernacular describes everyday language, including slang, that's used by the people. The vernacular is different from literary or official language: it's the way people really talk with each other, like how families talk at home.
Ideas of the Renaissance in the North of Europe Desiderius Erasmus: Helped spread the ideals of the Renaissance and called to the translation of the Bible from Latin to the vernacular. This would give people with no knowledge of latin access to the most important text in Europe during that time.
Ideas of the Renaissance in the North of Europe II Thomas More: This intellectual imagined and wrote an ideal society in which there were harmony and justice always. This was present in his book "Utopia", a term still used today to imagine ideal contexts.
Ideas of the Renaissance in the North of Europe II Rabalais & Shakespeare: Both authors used literature in order to spread the ideals of the Renaissance.
Source Esler, E. (2014). World History: the modern era. Prentice Hall.


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