Classification and comorbidity


400 Anxiety Disorders FlashCards sobre Classification and comorbidity, criado por Ellen Klerkx em 23-10-2017.
Ellen Klerkx
FlashCards por Ellen Klerkx, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ellen Klerkx
Criado por Ellen Klerkx quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Validity Useful and accurate, purposeful
Reliability Consistent over time and across different raters
Reliability & validity in DSM Emphasis on reliability at the expense of validity
DSM-I & DSM-II General description of disorders; no specific criteria Three disorders relevant to anxiety: Phobic neuroses, Anxious neuroses, Obsessive compulsive neuroses.
DSM-III Specific criteria and rules for diagnosing disorders Increased reliablity 12 anxiety disorders that are similar to those we have today
Categorical classification system Dichotomous decision: you have the disorder or you don't
Dimensional classification system Everyone falls somewhere on the spectrum, from no symptoms to very severe. You can use a cutpoint for diagnosis
Problems with current categorical DSM system Loss of information Arbitrary cut-offs Subthreshold symptoms still impairing Extensive comorbidity


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