Chapter 16 Cognitive Behavioral Theories


FlashCards sobre Chapter 16 Cognitive Behavioral Theories, criado por Brenda Morales em 14-11-2017.
Brenda Morales
FlashCards por Brenda Morales, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Brenda Morales
Criado por Brenda Morales mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (RBT) Ellis' method of psychotherapy Pg 396
A-B-C Theory of Personality The theory that a highly charged emotional consequence (C) is cause not by a significant activation event (A) but by the individual's belief system (B) Pg 398
Musturbatory belief System Escalating probabilistic statements into absolutes Pg 398
Absolute Musts A dogmatic, unrealistic demand placed on ones self Pg 398
Cognitive Therapy (Ellis) showing clients how to recognize their should and must thoughts, how to separate rational from irrational beliefs, and how to accept reality. Pg 400
Emotive-Evoctive Therapy helping clients to get in touch with their feelings Pg 400
Behavior Therapy Helping clients change maladaptive patterns of behavior and ways of thinking Pg 400
Desensitization a process whereby anxieties and fears are reduced and repeated, gradual, imagined, or real exposure to the noxious stimuli paired with relaxation, skill training, and other behavioral techniques Pg 400
Implosive A sudden weather than gradual, confrontation to a phobic situation Pg 400
Schemas cognitive structures that consist of an individual's fundamental core beliefs and assumptions about how the world operates Pg 404
Automatic Thoughts Involuntary, unintentional, preconscious thoughts that are difficult to regulate Pg 405
Cognitive Distortion systematic errors in reasoning Pg 405
Sociotropic dimensions a personality dimension characterized by dependence on interpersonal relationships and a need for closeness and nurturance Pg 406
Autonomous dimensions a personality dimension characterized by independence on and organized around goal setting, self determination, and self imposed obligations Pg 406
Cognitive Triad a negative view of the self, the world and the future Pg 407
Affective Arousal the arrousal of emotions in conjunction with cognitions Pg 407
Hot Cognition experiencing arousing emotions and reality testing at the same time Pg 407
Back Depression Inventory an instrument developed by Beck to measure depression Pg 408
Multimodal Therapy Lazuarus' method of therapy Pg 411
Thresholds tolerance levels fro pain frustration or stress Pg 411
Modality Profiles a specific list of problems and proposed treatments across the clients BASIC-ID Pg 413
Structural Profiles A quantitative assessment of the relative involvement of each of the elements of the BASIC-ID Pg 413
Bridging A multimodal technique used by councilors to deliberately begin work in terms of their clients preferred modality Pg 413
Tracking paying careful attention to the 'firing order" of the different modalities Pg 414
Technical Eclecticism deriving treatment methods from many sources without necessarily agreeing with the theories that generated them Pg 414
Cognitive therapy (Beck) a set of well defined therapeutic techniques that seek to remove systematic biases in thinking
Albert Ellis American Psychologist best known for his development of rational emotive behavior therapy
Aaron Beck American psychiatrist who studied psychotherapy
Arnold Lazarus Psychologist who's focus was on cognitive therapy


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