Gas Exchange IV - Mechanism of Ventilation 3


FlashCards sobre Gas Exchange IV - Mechanism of Ventilation 3, criado por J yadonknow em 27-12-2017.
J yadonknow
FlashCards por J yadonknow, atualizado more than 1 year ago
J yadonknow
Criado por J yadonknow quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Where do the pleural membranes of the lung meet? At the hilum of the lung
What is the pressure within this closed pleural space w.r.t atmospheric pressure? Pressure is negative
How does the Pulmonary Circulation run w.r.t the Systemic Circulation? Pulmonary Circulation runs in series with the Systemic Circulation
Describe Pulmonary Circulation Pulmonary circulation: RV-> LUNGS -> LA from right ventricle to lungs via pulmonary arteries From lungs to left atrium of the heart via pulmonary vein
Describe Systemic Circulation LV->BODY->RA Blood flows from left ventricle to cells of body via systemic arteries Flows from body to right artery of the heart via systemic veins
What is the pressure like in Pulmonary Circulation? What does this facilitate? Pressure in Pulmonary Circulation are very low Slow flow rate allows efficient Mx
How do the Pulmonary arteries assist in Mx? Pulmonary arterial walls are thin Pulmonary vascular resistance is low (R squeezes out material from blood, a sponge that's not being wrung will just soak)
Show an equation that allows us to formulate Vascular Resistance (InP - OutP)/Blood Flow
How does gravity influence ventilation and perfusion in humans? At rest, bottom of lung is rich in blood and oxygen Perfusion and ventilation decreases as you go towards top of the lung
How do alveoli differ depending on the region of the lung? Alveoli at bottom of lung expand less than those at top
What is VA? Alveolar ventilation rate, volume of fresh air available for Gx per minute
What is Q? Rate of blood flow/volume of blood available passing through Pulmonary Circulation
Why does regional VA:Q vary across the lung? At bottom of lung BF/AF at top AF/BF Top part of lung much higher AF/BF, not really participating in gas exchange
Why is regional mapping necessary? Blood flow 3x faster than ventilation, also changes in BF/lung ventilation depending on area
How does regional VA:Q vary? Regional VA:Q can vary from 0 to infinty
What occurs at 0? No ventilation, no gas exchange Blood crosses lung without coming into contact with alveolar air (right to left shunt)
What happens at infinity? Anatomical dead space, or ventilated alveoli that are not perfused
Why is local matching important? Local matching of ventilation and perfusion is important to optimise Gx in the lungs The ratio is kept near 1:1 on the local scale
What is modulated for VA:Q matching? Blood flow
What effect does low PO2 have on blood flow? Vasoconstriction occurs as a result of hypoxia Blood is directed away from poorly-ventilated areas The response is very non-linear
How does vasoconstriction halt blood flow? Resistance increases prevents blood from flowing to that part of the lung
Why is blood flow restricted from accessing these areas of the lung? These areas aren't ventilated, so gas exchange can't occur well and the blood would just shunt through
How do fish maximise Gx? Countercurrent flow
How do bird lungs maximise Gx? Bird lungs have continous airflow over the respiratory interface Air capillaries and blood capillaries are adjacent so fresh air continuously flows over the gas exchange surface
Show the efficacy of Gx of fish mammals and birds mammals<birds<fish tidal bulk flow: unidrectional flow: countercurrent flow
Diagram of alveolus bam
Describe movement of air through an alveolus Dissolve in liquid layer lining the alveolus Alveolar wall -> IS Space -> BC -> Plasma
How is transfer of O2 further influenced? Influenced by diffusion across the RBC membrane Combines with haemoglobin (diagram)
How fast is this transfer of O2? Very fast
What is Hb? Four polypeptide subunit haem group at the centre
Describe Hb-O2 dissociation curve Sigmoidal (S) curve Initially pp O2 increases and O2 binds to first haem group Once 1 O2 is bound to Hb co-operative binding occurs Easier for next O2 to bind, increased O2 affinity
What is meant by deoxygenated blood? Not fully complexed with oxygen
Describe the Bohr Shift Increase in PCO2 causes a shift to the right of the curve Increase in PCO2 signifies an increase in respiration increased metabolic demand Lowers affinity of Hb towards O2 causes a dissociation
What other factors also cause an increase in O2 dissociation? (3) Increased H+ Increased temperature Increased 2-3BPG
Name 3 respiratory pigments and their characteristics Haemoglobin 4 Fe-containing haem groups Myoglobin - similar to single Hb subunit Haemocyanin - Cu containing molecule, packaged in cells "blue blood"
How does myoglobin function as an O2 reserve? Myoglobin has a very high affinity for O2, doesn't dissociate easily
What is meant by P50 on an oxygen dissociation curve? 'Environmental' PO2 at which Hb is 50% saturated
How does foetal Hb differ from maternal Hb? Higher O2 affinity, so can collect O2 from maternal Hb
Why is this important? Lungs of foetus not functional Needs O2 supply
Draw a diagram showing O2 and CO2 exchange with the circulatory system and tissues of the body blahblah blah
carbonic anhydrase blah
How do CO2 levels alter pH of the cell? Can form carbamino compounds on Hb, this is prevalent in the venus side of circulation
Haldone effect H+ +HbO2 -> H+ + Hb + O2


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