Mathematics IB


FlashCards sobre Mathematics IB, criado por Imani :D em 12-01-2018.
Imani :D
FlashCards por Imani :D, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Imani :D
Criado por Imani :D mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is a relation? A relation is a set of ordered pairs.
What is a domain? The domain is the set of all the first numbers (x-values) of the ordered pairs.
What is a range? The range is the set of the second numbers (y-values) in each pair.
What is a function? A function is a relation where each x-value is related to a unique y-value.
What is a relation? A function that passes the vertical line test.
How to test if a function has an inverse function? Use the horizontal line test.
Explain the transformation -f(x). -f(x) reflects f(x) in the x-axis.
Explain the transformation f(-x). f(-x) reflects f(x) in the y-axis.
Explain the transformation f(qx). f(qx) stretches f(x) horizontally with scale factor 1/q.
Explain the transformation pf(x). pf(x) stretches f(x) vertically with scale factor p.
For quadratic functions in standard form y=ax^2 + bx + c = 0, the graph will cross the y-axis at... (0,c)
What is the equation of the axis of symmetry? x= -b/2a
When the basic quadratic function y=x^2 undergoes transformations, the resulting functions can be written as... y=a(x-h)^2+k
For quadratic functions in the form y=a(x-h)^2 + k, the graph will have its vertex at... (h,k)
The n root of (a)^m is the same as... a^(m/n)
The n root of a is the same as... a to the power of m/n
If b=a^x then what is the log form? loga (b) = x
What is the reciprocal of a number? The reciprocal of a number is 1 divided by that number.
A number multiplied by its reciprocal equals...? 1
What is the graph of a reciprocal function called? a hyperbola
The vertical asymptote can be found how? Find the x-value that makes the denominator zero.
The horizontal asymptote can be found how? using, y=a/c
To convert radians to degrees you must... multiply by 180/pi
If b^2 -4ac > 0, the quadratic equation will... ... have two different real roots (Two solutions)
If b^2 -4ac = 0, the quadratic equation will... ... have two equal roots. (One solution)
If b^2 -4ac < 0, the quadratic equation will... ... have no real roots (no solutions)
What is the equation of the axis of symmetry? x= -b/2a
What is the equation for the axis of symmetry when the form: y = a(x-h)^2 + k, is used? x = p+q/2


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