Planting and Maintenance-Mulching


FlashCards sobre Planting and Maintenance-Mulching, criado por Nigel Tay En Yi em 25-08-2014.
Nigel Tay En Yi
FlashCards por Nigel Tay En Yi, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Nigel Tay En Yi
Criado por Nigel Tay En Yi aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is mulching? Mulching is the process in which organic material or inorganic materials are used to cover the surface of soil.
What does mulching do? Prevents and suppresses weed growth. Retains moisture by reducing soil evaporation. Adds organic matter to the soil. Protects the tree from grass cutting injuries.
Things to note when mulching. Water the soil before mulching. Remove weeds before mulching. Apply mulch around the drip line. Leave about 25 mm from the tree trunk. Replenish mulch when it is decomposed.


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