Chronology - Major Political Events Of The 1920s and 1930s


FlashCards sobre Chronology - Major Political Events Of The 1920s and 1930s, criado por Brandon Darby em 06-02-2018.
Brandon Darby
FlashCards por Brandon Darby, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Brandon Darby
Criado por Brandon Darby quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
1919 Constitution of the Weimar Republic put in place
1921 New Economic Policy by Lenin
1922 Fascist March on Rome
1923 January: France invades the Ruhr (mining and industrial center) November: Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch
1924 Death of Lenin
1925 Locarno Agreements (relief for Germany)
1928 Kellogg-Briand Pact; first Five-Year Plan launched in USSR
1929 January: Trotsky expelled from USSR October: New York stock market crash November: Stalin's central position in the USSR affirmed
1930 Nazis capture 107 seats in German Reichstag
1932 March: Hindenburg defeats Hitler for German presidency May: Franz von Papen forms German Cabinet July: German Reichstag election November: Another German Reichstag election
1933 January: Hitler made German chancellor February: Reichstag fire (demented Dutch communist) March: Reichstag election and Enabling Act consolidates Nazi power
1934 June: Blood purge of the Nazi Party August: Death of Hindenburg December: Assassination of Kirov leads to the beginning of Stalin's purges
1936 Most famous of public purge trials in Russia


Rise Of Power
Germany 1918-39
Cam Burke
Why the Nazis Achieved Power in 1933 - essay intro/conclusion
Denise Draper
Hitler's Chancellorship
Weimar Revision
Tom Mitchell
3. The Bolshevik's Seizure of Power
Hitler and the Nazi Party (1919-23)
Adam Collinge
From Tsardom to communism- Russia
6. New Economic Policy (NEP)
5. War Communism
2. The February Revolution