The rule of Henry VIII, 1509-29: Key Words


Henry VIII key words
Izzy Noone
FlashCards por Izzy Noone, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Izzy Noone
Criado por Izzy Noone aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

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Factionalism The royal court, was the centre of political power and influence in the Tudor period. Courtiers advanced by attracting the King's attention. In this way, groups of ambitious courtiers clustered around powerful nobles and ministers. Rivalry developed between these groups as all were keen to win what limited royal patronage
Papal Legate Someone appointed by the Pope to act on his behalf in a particular country, usually for a specified purpose on a limited timescale.
Ottoman power The Ottoman Turks had become powerful by the fifteenth century and had begun to expand around the eastern end of the Mediterranean. They were Muslim and keen to spread their religion and build up an empire. Constantinople had been conquered in 1453. By the early 1500 the Ottoman Turks were expanding their control around the Eastern Med and threatening S E Europe.
Praemunire A Latin term used in medieval laws which made it a crime to use powers derived from the Pope to the disadvantage of the King or his subject.
Annates A special tax paid by members of the higher clergy to Rome during their first year in office.
Excommunicate The Pope had the power to cut off anyone from receiving the sacraments of the Church. This meant, in effect, cutting them off from God and salvation.
Statute Law Laws made by Parliament with royal consent. By the sixteenth century, statute law was generally regarded as the highest form of law in England.
Proclamations Decrees by the King on policy matters either falling outside the scope of parliamentary authority or made when Parliament was not in session to cope with an unusual circumstance or emergency. In 1539 the Proclamation Act gave these royal decrees equal force with parliamentary statues, but also said that proclamations could not contravene existing statutes.
King-in-Parliament Refers to government by the King, but implies some of his functions, in particular the making of law, are carried out in Parliament rather than by the King alone. Through parliament, the King could make statute law, the highest form of law.
A statute Act of Parliament that has been agreed by both houses and signed by the King took precedence over any earlier law or custom and could only be changed by another statute.
Pension money An agreement dating from 1475 when Louis XI promised to pay Edward VI £10,000 per year. By this time the pension arrears totalled over £200,000
Debasement of the coinage A process whereby silver coins had their silver content reduced by substituting cheaper metals such as copper. The process allowed more coins to be circulated by the government.


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