Ransom questions


FlashCards sobre Ransom questions, criado por belmont em 07-09-2014.
FlashCards por belmont, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por belmont mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Name the two mules that Somax took on the journey. Beauty Shock
Name the epic poem and poet that Ransom is based on. Which book does the story centre around? Book 24 of The Iliad by Homer
What are the qualities of an archetypal Ancient Greek hero? Physically perfect, strong, a warrior, fearless, performed great deeds in battle, admired by others for his fighting prowess
List all the main characters in Ransom and their relationships to one another. Achilles - Patroclus (his soul mate) Priam - Hector his warrior son Hecuba - Priam's wife Somax - simple carter Iris - rainbow goddess who suggests idea of chance Hermes - traveler god Hesione - Priam's sister Neoptolemus - Achilles' son
How many parts is Ransom divided into? Why? Which narrative voice does Malouf use in each part? Why? 5 parts, plus the afterword in order to explore the journey that the characters undertake. part 1 shows Achilles torn and grieving, unable to express emotion part 2 Priam is introduced to the idea of chance part 3 Somax and Priam's journey part 4 the encounter with Achilles part 5 the cycle continues
What is Achilles thinking about at the shore of the sea? The comfort of his mother His home
Why is such a life ‘death to the warrior spirit’? War is meant to be waged quickly and fiercely, then warriors return to their other life
Describe the friendship between Achilles and Patroclus with two quotes "
Why are his Myrmidons disturbed by Achilles’ behaviour? What is driving this behaviour? Achilles' desecration of Hector's body is not the actions of an archetypal Greek hero. They fear he has run 'mad'. Achilles is unable to display or process his grief for the killing of Patroclus by Hector.
What was your impression of the novel’s opening? Whose narrative voice was used and why? In order for the reader to be able to empathise with Achilles, Malouf uses Achilles' narrative voice. The reader is privy to his grief, his longing for his mother, his inability to express or come to terms with his grief and his longing for home and 'normality' away from the fighting. Malouf also introduces the water motif.
Describe Troy, using specific quotations


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