Christianity I: Foundations - Theme 1-3 Terms


Key terms for Rockhurst University course, Christianity I: Foundations, specifically Themes 1-3.
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Aramaic a language that developed from classical Hebrew; developed into Syriac; language spoken by Jesus Christ (Joshua ben Joseph)
catholic universal; worldwide
patriarchate city where a major bishop resides; in early Christianity, cities of: Rome Constantinople Alexandria Antioch Jerusalem
Dabar Syriac term for "word"; "thing said, an action"
Logos Greek term for "word"; "mental idea, thought or reason"
Verbum Latin term for "word"; "declared statement, a literal thing"
creed statement of belief
doctrine set theological teachings
neoplatonism a combination of Plato's and Aristotle's teachings; mix of realism and idealism
spoils of Egypt the gold payed by Egypt to the Hebrews so they would leave Egypt after the plagues; the Hebrews used this gold to build the Ark of the Covenant
logoi "seeds of reason"; God's imprint in creation
Oral Tradition the Apostolic Tradition; origin of Sacred Scriptures
tradition hand on; pass down
Apostles first followers of Jesus; AD 30-100; Greek for "one sent"
Apostolic Fathers first generation successors to the Apostles; AD 100-150
Fathers and Mothers of the Church primary teachers who bore witness to Apostolic Tradition up until the last ecumenical council; AD 150-787
Doctors of the Church those who pre-eminently embodied the Christian faith in both their writings and their lives; like holding "doctorate degrees" in the Church; only 34 people; women: Theresa of Little Flower; Catherine of Siena, Teresa of Avila, Hildegarde of Bingen
bishop overseer
gnostics claimed to hold "secret knowledge"; saved by knowledge not by faith
"super" apostles "counterfeit apostles"; those who claimed to teach Christianity but only menaced Christian communities
eccumenical "of the known world"
ecclesial church
see seat of authority; patriarchs are the five sees of Peter
collegiality form of shared responsibility and governance
Bible Greek for "book"
canon a measuring rod
Torah "Law of Moses"; first five books of the Bible
Neviim "Prophets"; books of the old prophets
Ketuvim "Writings"; final section of the Hebrew Bible
Tanakh TNK Jewish world for Bible
Septuagint LXX Greek translation of the TNK; written by "70" rabbis
apocrypha "put away, hidden"; books taken out of the TNK by the rabbis at Jamnia; books Martin Luther took out of the Roman Catholic Bible
Vulgate Latin translation of the Bible; translated by Jerome
Peshitta Syriac word for "Bible"; means "common"
sola scriptura beliefs based on scriptures alone
typology where one event in the OT is believed to foreshadow Christ
allegory when one thing represents another
numerology numbers represent letters; Caesar Nero = 666 in Hebrew Jesus Christ = 888 in Greek
Hexapla textual criticism by Origen
Melania proficient in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin; copyist
copyist those who copied the Bible
Dionysius of Alexandria literary critic who compared the Gospel of John to the Book of Revelation
Differences between the Gospel of John and Book of Revelation Greek grammar; subject matter and style; there were two Johns in Ephesus --> two tombs of John
Athanasius's Rule literary critic by: Period - historical context Person - author and audience Place - context Point - subject and meaning
Monastic Method interpreting Scripture by: Lectio - "reading" Meditatio - "meditation" Oratio - "prayer" Contemplatio - "contemplation"


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