Unit 1: The Gospels and Acts


Unit 1: The Gospels and Acts
Julie Gholston
FlashCards por Julie Gholston, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Julie Gholston
Criado por Julie Gholston quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Jesus was born in the midst of Roman rule
The Holy Spirit is a helper guide and comforter
On the day of Pentecost how many believers were filled with the Spirit 120
This new community of believers began as a group so small it met in one upper room
Yet it grew and spread all over the Roman Empire
The books of the NT were written for the church (groups of believers)
The Gospels teach about the life and teachings of Jesus
Acts and the Epistles, Romans through Jude record the history and development of the church and teach how to live the Christian life.


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