Endocrine System - Ch 17


Anatomy & Physiology 2 FlashCards sobre Endocrine System - Ch 17, criado por Mansi Trikha em 02-04-2018.
Mansi Trikha
FlashCards por Mansi Trikha, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Mansi Trikha
Criado por Mansi Trikha mais de 6 anos atrás

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Questão Responda
endocrine glands ductless, secret hormone
exocrine glands have ducts, non-hormonal products secreted into membrane surfaces
amino acid-based hormone most common classification for hormones ; second-messenger system
steroid hormones gonadal & adrenocortical hormones ; direct gene activation
second-messenger system hormone binds to receptor, G-protein signals second message, signal cascades, & protein is phosphated
direct gene activation steroid hormones are lipid soluble- pass thru PM, binds to receptor & activated complex forms, complex passes into nucleus & binds to specific DNA, assoc. w/ DNA turns on gene & sequence is transcribed
target cell specificity mediated by protein receptors; receptors are localized to cells that are influenced by a given hormone
half-life of hormone amount of time it takes for half of the circulating hormone to be removed from circulation & excreted
onset onset of effect of hormone depends on hormone type - i.e. steroids take hours to day for onset
negative feedback hormone release as hormone level increases, target organ is affected, once effect occurs - release is inhibited
humoral hormone endocrine glands release hormones in response to changing levels of ions/nutrients
neural hormone nerve fibers stimulate hormonal release
hormonal release glands release hormones in response to other hormones
pituitary gland produces many hormones in body
anterior pit. hormones TSH, ACTH, FSH, LH (tropic) ; PRL, GH (nontropic)
growth hormone (GH) -stimulates most cells to grow & divide -regulation by hypothalamic hormones (-) feedback -GHRH- releasing (somatocrinin) -GHIH - inhibiting (somatostatin)
thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) -stims normal growth & activity of thyroid gland -controlled by TRH (releasing) -feedback inhibition & GHIH inhibit hormone release
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) -stims adrenal cortex to release corticosteroid hormones -controlled by CRH (releasing) -inhibited when glucocorticoids rise
FSH & LH -FSH stims gamete production -LH promotes production of gonadal hormones; causes egg to be extruded from follicle -Both release controlled by hypothalamus - GnRH ; regulated by negative feedback
prolactin (PRL) -stims milk production -PRH & PIH (releasing/inhibiting) - serotonin & dopamine respectively
post. pit hormones oxytocin & antidiuretic hormone
oxytocin stims smooth muscle contraction, positive feedback
antidiuretic hormone causes kidneys to absorb more water (thirst increases) ; inhibits/prevents urine production
thyroid gland thyroid hormone (TH) -T4 produced by thyroxine & T3 forms at target tissue (T4-->T3) -Calcitonin - decreases blood Ca levels
parathyroid glands -secrete PTH -controls Ca balance - released in response to low Ca levels
adrenal cortex -corticosteroids (cholesterol synth.) -mineralcorticosteroids: aldosterone- reduces excretion of Na+ -glucocorticoids: response to stress & metabolism -gonadocorticoids: sex hormones androgens
adrenal medulla -chromatin cells secrete EPI & NE -BP & HR elevate, glucose mobilizes, blood stopped from entering GI
pancreas -pancreatic islets - islets of Langerhands: alpha cells produce glucagons & beta cells produce insulin
gonads sex hormones produced by adrenal cortex
pineal gland secretes melatonin & receives indirect input from visual system
thymus produces hormonal products important for T-cell maturation


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