Transition Elements 2 - Stereoisomerism


FlashCards sobre Transition Elements 2 - Stereoisomerism , criado por I Shouldn't be awake em 13-04-2018.
I Shouldn't be awake
FlashCards por I Shouldn't be awake, atualizado more than 1 year ago
I Shouldn't be awake
Criado por I Shouldn't be awake quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What are stereoisomers? molecules with same connectivity but different spatial arrangement
What type of stereoisomerism do complex ions exhibit? Cis-Trans Optical
What conditions are required for stereoisomerism in square planar structures? 4 co-ordinate bonds 2 different monodentate ligands
How do complex ions bend the rules of cis-trans stereoisomerism? In organic meant to have C=C Not necessary for complex ions
Arrangement of ligands in square planar structures Ligands are arranged in the same plane at the corners of a square with 90' bond angles
Arrangements of identical ligands in cis-isomerism of square planars Two identical groups are adjacent to each other 90' apart
Arrangement of identical ligands in trans- square planar Identical ligands are opposite each other 180' apart
Optical isomerism only occurs in what? What conditions must be met? octahedral complexes Must have 2 or more bidentate ligands
How does cis-platin work? Forms Pt complex in cell Binds to DNA Prevents DNA replication Triggers apoptosis


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Como Transformar Mapas Mentais em Suporte
Alessandra S.
Raciocínio Lógico Simulado Concurso
Roberta Souza
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Viviana Veloso
Português 1 - Sintaxe: Frase, Oração e Período
Administração Financeira e Orçamentária
Raphael Luiz Fonseca
Física moderna
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Questionário 1 - Introdução à Informática
Ederval Pablo Ferreira