Circulatory Systems IV


FlashCards sobre Circulatory Systems IV, criado por J yadonknow em 14-04-2018.
J yadonknow
FlashCards por J yadonknow, atualizado more than 1 year ago
J yadonknow
Criado por J yadonknow mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Position of heart Between lungs in mediastinum
Why left lung smaller Heart bulges into it
Subdivisions (7) Fibrous pericardium Serous pericardium: parietal layer (Epicardium) visceral layer pericardial cavity Cavity of heart
Serous pericardium function Facilitates movement w/ lubricating pericardial fluid
Fibrous pericardium function Prevents over-expansion
Congestive heart failure As heart weakens, must grow thicker to gen high pressure May get too thick to allow sufficient expansion, max growth restricted by pericardium Doesn't pump enough blood, so tissue signals heart to pump more gets thicker, only space to expand is inwards, blood flow gets smaller etc.
Diagram of heart Pulmonary artery Aorta Vena cava Pulmonary trunk Right atrium Right ventricle Left ventricle
Blood flow sequence LV -> Aorta -> Sup/inf VC -> RA -> RV -> PT -> PA -> Lungs -> PV -> LA -> LV
Red coronary arteries Arteries feeding heart wall - just above SLV in aorta
Blue coronary vessels Veins draining heart wall - enter RV via IVC
Connections in coronary arteries anastomosis, few
Cell junctions in cardiomyocytes cells linked via intercalated discs adherens junctions link actin desomosomes link intermediate filaments
Why atria thin walled? Don't have to pump blood far
SVC/IVC blood supply Thorax/arms/head Lower body parts/walls of heart
Valve btw. LA+LV Bicuspid
Valve btw. RA/V Tricuspid
Valve btw. RV/PT Semi-lunar - pulmonary
Function of SLV prevent backflow of blood from PT/Aorta during ventricular diastole
Where do SLV attach and how? To papillary muscles via Chorda tendinae
Function of papillary muscles+chorda tendinae Prevent valves from being blown other way and causing backflow
What is remarkable about the aortic SLV? Only ventricle to fill when heart is relaxed
Histology of the heart Endocardium Myocardium Epicardium
Endocardium structure trabeculae carnae
Myocardium striated, myogenic, invol.
Epicardium connt. + muscle fibres
Foetal circulation Foreman ovale bypasses lungs Ductus arteriolus btw. Aorta+PT O2 provided by placenta


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