Organic Synthesis


FlashCards sobre Organic Synthesis, criado por I Shouldn't be awake em 28-04-2018.
I Shouldn't be awake
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I Shouldn't be awake
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Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
quick fit apparatus
Name it 1. Pear-shaped flask 2. Receiver 3. Screw-tap adaptor 4. Condensor 5. Still head
Heating under reflux Add anti-bumping granules to ensure smooth boiling. Enables a liquid to be continually boiled whilst a reaction takes place Prevents volatile components from escaping and flask from boiling dry as vapour condenses and drips back down into flask NEVER SEAL CONDENSER
Distillation Used to separate pure liquid from impurities
Apparatus set-up for reflux Pear flask condensor rubber tubing stand and clamp heat source (diagram)
Apparatus set-up for distillation (9) Pear-shaped flask condensor rubber tubing stand and clamp screw-cap adaptor receiver adaptor still head thermometer heat source
Diagram for distillation water in at lower end of receiver
Purifying organic products 1. Separate with a separating funnel 2. Ensure tap of separating funnel is closed 3. Pour mix of liquids into sf, place a stopper in the top of the funnel, invert to mix the contents. 4. Allow the layers to settle. 5. add water to see which layer increases in volume - this is the aq layer. 6. Place a conical flask under the sf, remove stopper and open tap until the whole of the lower layer has left the funnel. 7. Place a second conical flask under the separating funnel to collect the other layer
Drying the organic product Use anhydrous inorganic salt like CaCl2/MgSO4
Redistillation wash product by adding either • NaHCO3, shaking and releasing the pressure from CO2 produced. Saturated NaCl solution If organic liquids have similar bpt clean out and redistill at a bpt within the range of the desired product.


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