
health and occupation OTHY101 FlashCards sobre ICF, criado por Bonnie McDonald em 16-05-2018.
Bonnie McDonald
FlashCards por Bonnie McDonald, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Bonnie McDonald
Criado por Bonnie McDonald quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
international classification of functioning, disability and health conceptual framework and classification system for describing health
purpose of the ICF -to help understand health and health related states -to establish a common language for describing health an health related states -to permit comparison of data
components of the ICF body structures and structure activities participation environmental factors personal factors
body structures and functions physiological structures and function of body systems impairments: problems in function or structure
activities the execution of a task or action by an individual -activity limitations: difficulties an individual may have in executing activities
participation involvement in life situations -participation restrictions- problems experienced in involvement
environmental factors make up the physical, social and attitudinal environments in which people live and conduct their lives
personal factors contextual factors related to the individual, age, gender, social status, life experiences
ICF uses research and statistics clinical practice social and policy tool education
strengths of ICF -includes the environment -compatible with many of the concepts in OT models -provides a shared language
weaknesses of the ICF -classifies people against what is 'normal' -it is not a needs assessment -doesn't explain the cause of disease -confusion between activities and participation -no classification for personal factors


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