

Final preparation using flashcards
Good Guy Beket
FlashCards por Good Guy Beket, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Good Guy Beket
Criado por Good Guy Beket aproximadamente 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
According to TKI we can define the following Collaborative Negotiation style as: Win-Win
According to TKI we can define the following Accommodating Negotiation style as: Lose-Win
According to TKI we can define the following Avoiding Negotiation style as: Lose-Lose.
According to TKI we can define the following Competitive Negotiation style as: Win-Lose.
What are basic types of mediation? Preventive Self-Mediating Managerial Professional
Conflict comprises on the following stages: Discomfort Incident Misunderstanding Tension Crisis
What does BATNA stand for? Best Alternative to Negotiating an Agreement.
In stress situation “Director” inclines to: Controlling
In stress situation “Thinker” inclines to: Perfectionism
In stress situation “Relator” inclines to: Approval Seeking
In stress situation “Socializer” inclines to: Attention Getting
Which of the decision-making styles requires more information and focuses on multiple options? Integrative
Which of the decision-making styles requires more information and focuses on one option? Hierarchic
Which of the decision-making styles requires less information and focuses on one option? Decisive
Which of the decision-making styles requires less information and focuses on multiple options? Flexible
What are negotiation outcomes we have discussed on lectures? Transaction costs Satisfaction with outcomes Effect on the relationship Recurrence of disputes and Procedural justice.
What does OODA loop stands for? Observe Orient Decide Act
Given description of the way a person makes the desicion as - Intellectual - Analytical - Focused - Expect others to contribute to decisions - Decisions are final To which desicion-making style can it be related? Hierarchic
Given description of the way a person makes the desicion as - Task oriented - Direct - Efficient - Likes to stick to decision To which desicion-making style can it be related? Decisive
Given description of the way a person makes the desicion as - Social and responsive - Decides quickly - Can change direction of decision To which desicion-making style can it be related? Flexible
Given description of the way a person makes the desicion as - Participative - Uses inputs from multiple sources - May change decision over time To which desicion-making style can it be related? Integrative


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