French Revolution timeline important dates


Art and Revolution FlashCards sobre French Revolution timeline important dates, criado por Anna K em 19-05-2018.
Anna K
FlashCards por Anna K, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Anna K
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Resumo de Recurso

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June 17 1789 Third Estate declares National Assembly
June 20 1789 Tennis Court Oats: NA said they wouldn't give up until there was a constitution create
July 14 1789 Storming of the Bastille
August 4 1789 NA began to change/abolish core elements of the Old Regime: noble privalege, feudal system and tax issues
August 26 1789 NA adopts the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizens
October 5 1789 Women's March: Peasant women marched on Versailles demanding lower food prices and that the royals move back to Paris
October 6 Jacobins formed
June 20-21 1791 Flight to Varennes: Royals tried to flee but were caught and forced to return
September 14 1791 Louis XVI officially signs the constitution
April 20 1791 France declares war on Austria, who wanted to put the royals back on the throne
September 2-7 1791 September Massacre: Political prisoners massacred due to the paranoia that royalists would invade Paris and free the prisoners who would then join the royalist movement
September 20 1791 National Convention established
September 22 1791 French Republic formed
January 21 1793 Louis XVI executed
April 6 1793 Committee of Public Safety is formed
July 13 1793 Jean-Paul Marat assassinated
September 5 1793 Reign of Terror begins: Robespierre proclaims 'Terror is the order of the day'
September 17 1793 The Law of Suspects: allowed killing of 'enemies of the state'
October 16 1793 Antoinette executed
June 27 1794 Reign of Terror ends
July 28 1794 Robespierre executed
November 9 1799 The end of the revolution: Napoleon declares himself French Consulate


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