Basic music theory revision


Flashcards on Music , created by Ruby Parsons on 03/06/2018.
Ruby Parsons
FlashCards por Ruby Parsons, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ruby Parsons
Criado por Ruby Parsons quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
List the eight terms for different tempos. lento: slowly largo: slow and stately adagio: leisurely andante: at a walking pace moderato: moderate pace allegro: fast vivace: lively presto: very quickly
List the seven dynamics. pianissimo/pp: very soft piano/p: soft mezzoforte/mf: moderate; medium; middle forte/f: loud fortissimo/ff: very loud (plus crescendo > and decrescendo <)
Name the five necessary note values and identify their equivalent rests. semibreve: four beats - small hollow oval; semibreve rest = minim rest sitting below fourth line minim: two beats - hollow crotchet; minim rest = block taking up half a line, sitting on top of third line crotchet: 1 beat; crotchet rest = three zag lightning bolt (starting in top left) with curved hook from bottom quaver: 1/2 beat - crotchet with tail; quaver rest = seven with a curved top and a knobble semiquaver: 1/4 beat - crotchet with two tails; semiquaver rest = same but with two tails and knobbles
Identify the three kinds of melody contour. step: neighbouring note skip: one note between leap: two or more notes between
Identify what a time signature is used for. The top number of a time signature tells us how many beats there are in each bar. The bottom number identifies what type of beats they are (e.g. semibreve = 1, minim = 2, crotchet = 4, quaver = 8, semiquaver = 16 etc.).
Explain how to identify whether a stem should be directed up or down. If a note is below the middle line of the stave, its stem should go up. If a note is on or above the middle line, its stem should go down.
Explain what a treble or bass clef is used for. The treble or bass clef tells us the pitch of the instrument used for the piece. treble = higher pitch bass = lower pitch
Define stave/staff. The stave or staff is the five lines that music is written on.
Clap the suburban rhythms. perth = crotchet sydney = quaver, quaver merewether = semiquaver, semiquaver, semiquaver, semiquaver tuncurry = quaver, semiquaver, semiquaver hamilton = semiquaver, semiquaver, quaver
Identify the correct mallet technique. - alternate hands - hit middle of bar - soft hits - allow mallet to bounce off of bar - no index fingers on top of mallets
Describe the metallophone. large metal bars. tone colour: mellow and metallic
Describe the xylophone. large wooden bars. tone colour: hollow and warm
Describe a glockenspiel. small metal bars. tone colour: bright and tinkling
Define duration as a musical concept and identify its associated terms. How long or short a note is. terms associated: tempo, rhythm, time signature
Define pitch as a musical concept and identify its associated terms. How high or low a note is. associated terms: melody, harmony, tonality
Define dynamics as a musical concept and identify its associated terms. How loud or soft a note is. associated terms: pp, p, mf, f, ff
Define tone colour as a musical concept. Individual feeling of the sound of an instrument. (e.g. violin could be mournful, drums could be booming)
Define structure as a musical concept. How a piece is set out. (e.g. verse/chorus)
Define texture as a musical concept. The layers of sound.


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