HPA asthma


FlashCards sobre HPA asthma, criado por Em J em 06-06-2018.
Em J
FlashCards por Em J, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Em J
Criado por Em J mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is asthma? Chronic condition causing inflammation of the airways
What is the prevalence of asthma? approx. 2.5 mill in Australia
What are the risk factors? Other allergies Obesity Smoker Genetic component
What is the cause of asthma? Not well known - some suggestions that parental smoking may play a role
Triggers of acute asthma episodes/ attacks Environmental allergens Irritants such as cigarette smoke Resp. tract infections. Certain medications (i.e. aspirin) Exercise Emotional stress Food additives
General pathophys of asthma Airways in persistent state of inflammation Oedema present in airway tissues
Pathophys of asthma during an acute episode Inflammatory mediators are released in response to trigger This leads to airway hyperresponsiveness causing bronchoconstriction = airway obstruction The inflammatory response leads to oedema and hypersecretion of mucus in the airways - further restricting the airways.
Symptoms of acute asthma recurrent episodes (acute attacks) of: High-pitched expiratory wheeze Breathlessness Chest tightness Non-productive cough Increased WOB Hypoxia
Respiratory assessment findings of acute asthma May hear normal lung sounds or wheezing during acute phase. In a severe attack, there may be no or limited air entry noted. Accessory muscles may be used Tracheal tug may be present
What might vital signs do during an acute episode of asthma? RR, HR = may increase BP = initial increase and then decrease if continues in severity SpO2 = decrease
path tests that may be carried out and what they might indicate FBE - eosinophils ^ ABGs = initially show hypoxaemia & mild resp. Alkalosis. More severe will show start to show resp. Acidosis.
Other tests? RFTs - to evaluate the degree of airway obstruction.
Relevant medications Salbutamol (acute tx) Seretide (prevent) Ipratropium bromide (prevent)


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