BOC Review: Hematology Vocabulary


BOC: Pg. 145 SUCCESS Review Book: Pg. 229 Blood composition, basic hematology terminology, basic homeostasis, RBC indices, other RBC parameters, platelets, relative & absolute blood cell counts,
Shaneen Fernandez
FlashCards por Shaneen Fernandez, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Shaneen Fernandez
Criado por Shaneen Fernandez mais de 6 anos atrás

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Whole blood is the blood composition that includes erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, & plasma
Buffy coat is a small white layer of cells (leukocytes & platelets) lying between the packed red blood cells & the plasma)
Plasma is the liquid portion of unclotted blood
Serum is the fluid that remains after coagulation has occurred & a clot has formed
a- without
-blast youngest/nucleated
-chromic colored
-cyte cell
dys- abnormal
-emia in the blood
ferro- iron
hyper- increased
hypo- decreased
iso- equal
macro- large
mega- very large/huge
micro- small
myelo- marrow
normo- normal
-oid like
-osis increased
pan- all
-penia decreased
-plasia formation
-poiesis cell production
poly- many
pro- before
thrombo- clot
Homeostasis is the body's tendency to move toward physiological stability
Osmotic concentration is the body/cellular water concentration
Isotonic is the normal osmotic concentration
Hypotonic Water enters the cell; the cell swells, & may lyse (greater amount of H2O in relationship to lesser amount of solutes)
Hypertonic Water leaves the cell; the cell may crenate (lesser amount of H2O in relationship to greater amount of solutes)
MCV Stands for mean corpuscular volume. It is an indicator of the average or mean volume of erythrocytes (RBCs) in femtoliters
MCH Stands for mean corpuscular hemoglobin. It is an indicator of the average weight of hemoglobin in individual RBCs in picograms
MCHC Stands for mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration. It is a measure of the average concentration of hemoglobin in grams per deciliter
RDW Stands for RBC distribution width. It is a parameter that measures the variation in RBC size or RBC volume in percentage. RDW is elevated in accordance with variation in red cell size (anisocytosis)
Anisocytosis Variation in size
Hct Stands for hematocrit. It is the percentage of RBCs in a given volume of whole blood
Hgb Stands for hemoglobin. It is given in grams per deciliter. Hgb is age & sex dependent
PLT Stands for platelets. It is given in a number per microliter of blood
Relative count Is the amount of a cell type in relation to other blood components
Relative lymphocytosis is an increase in the percentage of lymphocytes; frequently associated with neutropenia.
Relative polycythemia RBCs appear increased due to a decreased plasma volume
Absolute count is the actual number of each cell type without respect to other blood components.
Absolute lymphocytosis is a true increase in the number of lymphocytes
Absolute polycythemia is a true increased in red cell mass
Continue from Success Review Book Bottom of pg. 233 or beginning of pg. 234
Hematopoiesis Production & differentiation of blood cells
Cellularity is the ratio of marrow cells to fat (red marrow/yellow marrow)
M:E (myeloid/erythroid) ratio is the ratio of granulocytes & their precursors to nucleated erythroid precursors
Lymphoid? (Pg. 235) Includes progenitor cells that differentiate into either B or T lymphocytes in response to cytokines/lymphokines/interleukins/CSFs/growth factors
Myeloid? (Pg. 235) Includes progenitor cells that gives rise to the multipotential progenitor CFU-GEMM (colony-forming-unit-granulocyte-erythrocyte-macrophage-megakaryocyte),which will differentiate into committed progenitor cells & finally mature blood cells in response to cytokines/interleukins/colony stimulating factors/growth factors


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