4) Slavery, Emancipation, and the breakdown of the Union


Uni Greifswald
Julie  Wöhl
FlashCards por Julie Wöhl , atualizado more than 1 year ago
Julie  Wöhl
Criado por Julie Wöhl mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Anti Slavery Movement Underground Railroad Fugitive Slave Act Bleeding Kansas
Secession ??
Confederate states of America ??
Causes of the civil war - Moral + political dispute over Slavery - free labor system vs Slavery labor system -new territories? Slave holding status?
Effects of civil war Death of many men
Deceleration of emancipation Lincoln declares the freedom of slaves in states which are at war with US -NOT a deceleration of freedom of slaves Legal emancipation of slaves: 1865
States limit the right to vote -Tax - Literacy test -Understanding clause -grandfather clause Jim crow laws (certain facilities, distinction)
Segregation Separate but equal
Towards AA rights Desegregation: - Montgomery Bus boycott (rosa parks) - MLK emerges as the leader of the southern Civil rights movement (Christian, non violent) -1963 March of Washington DC -bloody Sunday -Black Power, Melcom X (separatism, militant, Muslims) -2016 Black Lives Matter


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Alessandra S.
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ana amaral
Simulado 12 - Português - 5ºs anos
Resumo para o exame nacional - Fernando Pessoa Ortónimo, Alberto Caeiro , Ricardo Reis e Álvaro Campos
Origem da Vida
Ariane Freitas