Chapter 11 Flashcards


Human Diversity FlashCards sobre Chapter 11 Flashcards, criado por Nathan Lapin em 15-07-2013.
Nathan Lapin
FlashCards por Nathan Lapin, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Nathan Lapin
Criado por Nathan Lapin aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What does developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) involve? Learning environments, instructional content, pedagogical practices that facilitate progress
DAP results from process of pros making decisions about education and well-being of children based on 3 important kinds of info or knowledge known as: What's known about child development and learning; what is known about strengths, interests, needs of each individual child in group; knowledge of social and cultural contexts in which children live to ensure meaningful and relevant experiences
Early development is characterized by: Overproduction of cells and neural connections; followed by pruning
Pruning Process where brain continues to be highly malleable
Employers concerned about literacy skills; professors concerned about "readiness" for college work, blame who and why? High school teachers who attribute responsibility to the middle school teachers for failing to prepare students for the hardness of academic study
NAEYC National Association for Education of Young Children
Rebecca Williams described the pedagogical implications of theoretical orientation intended by the term constructivisim in what way? Children are active constructors of their own knowledge. Mental activity enhanced by wide experience with people, materials, events. Refined through repeated experience. Multiple opportunities need to be provided
Motivation to learn emerges from what? Cognitive structure always challenged, and from the child's inherent need to understand.
Epistemic Curiosity Provides force for acquiring new knowledge
What does Vytgosky call the range of experiences that are sufficiently challenging yet manageable? Zone of Proximal Development (child does by self, what child needs help with, what child cannot do at all)
What style does this exemplify? The teacher planfully arranges, models, and monitors as students within limits defined by the learning materials follow their inborn inclination to discover and to understand? The Montessori Way of Teaching
What is an example of DAP being put into practice and uniting an understanding of development of young people with principles of learning? The shift from the traditional junior high to the middle school.
Although middle childhood is usually defined as spanning the years from about age 8 to 12, what are American middle schools generally intended to address? Developmental issues associated with early adolescence
Where does constructivism (in both old and new forms) place the student and teacher? Places the student at the center of the learning process (on own or with peers) and places teachers role of key importance
Discourse concerning DAP is more concerned with... process rather than content
A 21st-century view of educational assessment that goes beyond reliance on narrow and fallible tests in linking knowledge about individual learners with instructional planning and decision making. Authentic Assessment
What young children experience at home vs what older children and youth experience in school, major school programs (Head Start) have reflected awareness that education can alter course of child development Nature vs. Nuture Debate
Promoting positive awareness of differential rates of development among children; inspired more age-appropriate practices (junior high-high school) Child Study Movement


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