Latin Practice


Latin practice flashcards. Based on the Cambridge University Latin Course
mr ez the poop
FlashCards por mr ez the poop, atualizado more than 1 year ago
mr ez the poop
Criado por mr ez the poop mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
est is
pater father
mater mother
filius son
servus slave
coquus cook
canis dog
in in / in the
in tablino in the study
in atrio in the atrium
in triclinio in the dining room
in horto in the garden
in culina in the kitchen
in via in the street
scribit writing / is writing
sedet sitting / is sitting
bibit drinking / is drinking
laborat working / is working
dormit sleeping / is sleeping
Metella est mater. Metella is the mother.
Caecilius est pater. Caecilius is the father.
Quintus est filius. Quintus is the son.
Grumio est coquus. Grumio is the cook.
Clemens est servus. Clemens is the slave.
Cerberus est canis. Cerberus is the dog.
Caecilius est in tablino. Caecilius est in tablino scribit. Caecilius is in the study. Caecilius is writing in the study.
Metella est in atrio. Metella est in atrio sedet. Metella is in the atrium. Metella is sitting in the atrium.
Quintus est in triclinio. Quintus in triclinio bibit. Quintus is in the dining room. Quintus is drinking in the dining room.
Clemens est in horto. Clemens in horto laborat. Clemens is in the garden. Clemens is working in the garden.
Grumio est in culina. Grumio in culina laborat. Grumio is in the kitchen. Grumio is working in the kitchen.
Cerberus est in via. Cerberus in via dormit. Cerberus is in the street. Cerberus is sleeping in the street.
intrat enters
circumspectat looks around
cibus food
in mensa on the table
salit jumps
stat stands
stertit snores
latrat barks
surgit gets up
iratus angry
pestis! pest!
furcifer! scoundrel!
clamat shouts
exit leaves / exits / goes out
X word, but ending with M (example: Grumio canem clamat) X word is having something done to it (example: Grumio is shouting at the dog)
salutat greets, says hello
amicus friend
Caecilius est in atrio. Amicus Caecilium salutat. Caecilius is in the atrium. The friend says hello to Caecilius.
Metella est in atrio. Amicus Metellam salutat. Metella is in the atrium. The friend greets Metella.
et and
Grumio in culina laborat. Metella culinam intrat. Metella Grumionem spectat. Cibus est paratus. Metella cibum gustat. Grumio est anxius. Metella Grumionem laudat. Grumio is working in the kitchen. Metella enters the kitchen. Metella watches Grumio. The food is peacock. Metella eats the food. Grumio is anxious. Metella praises Grumio.


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