Aortic Stenosis


FlashCards sobre Aortic Stenosis, criado por rach_rm em 19-07-2013.
FlashCards por rach_rm, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por rach_rm mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is AS? Narrowing of the aortic valve orifice
As the disease progresses, narrowing is reflected by a____ in valve area;___ jet velocity and ___ pressure gradient decrease valve area increase jet velocity increase pressure gradient
Is AS more common in females and males Males 2:1
AS is a LV______ overload pressure
what is the etiology of AS degenerative calcific or senile congenital bicuspid valve rheumatic fever
What are the secondary changes that happen with AS Concentric LVH Post Stenotic dilitation of the Ascending Aorta LAE EF increases Systolic dysfunction
When is calcific degenerative As most common? Age 70-80 Symptoms in SOB, syncope and angina
what are some 2D findings of degenerative calcific/senile AS Increased thickness and stiffness of Ao valve leaflets Initially sclerosis MAC
True or false Calcium is echogenic TRUE
true or false It may be difficult to identify bicuspid valve with advanced calcification TRUE
True or false A bicuspid Ao valve will become stenotic earlier and is more vulnerable to calcium infiltration TRUE
What is a normal finding on M-mode with AS systolic flutter may be hard to measure excursion
What is congenital AS A bicuspid or unicuspid valve
When congenital AS when do the symptoms normally appear? 45-65 years old time to replace valve when symptoms occur
What are some 2D findings of Congenital AS Concentric LVH Football opening Systolic doming, PLAX
what is a raphe? where the cusps are fused together
What is an M-mode finding of a bicuspid aortic valve eccentric leaflet closure (closure line) closure line off of center
What is aortic coarctation? pinching of the descending aorta may be a coexisting lesion abnormality with a bicuspid aortic valve need to use PW Doppler
what type of Doppler pattern do you see with aortic coarctation? Abdominal Aorta run off pattern
Where does Rheumatic disease strike first? Mitral Valve
When is Rheumatic AS able to be diagnosed? Only with the presence of MV involvement
True or false Rheumatic AS results in commissural fusion TRUE
Rheumatic AS will have 2D images similar to what disease calcific disease
What formula is used in the cath lab to calculate AVA Gorlin formula
what will a pressure waveform look like with AS Decreased systolic aortic root pressure Increased LV systolic pressure
Which will be higher with AS the peak gradient or the mean gradient? Peak gradient
What measurements correlate well between the cath lab and echo? mean gradients and AVA
true or false Failure to align beam parallel to flow will result in underestimating disease TRUE
Which transducer should be used when performing a Doppler exam on a patient with AS? PEDOF or Non imaging trx Need to look for highest velocity you can get
What will the Doppler signal look like for AS? smooth veloctiy curve with a dense outer edge, clear peak careful with color, may blur peak velocity
How many beats do you average for VTI? average 3 beats average at least 5 beats for arrhythmias some patients may be 8-10 beats
Which views are best for using a non imaging trx Apical, Suprasternal, R parasternal Record highest velocity window
How do you differentiate doppler signals between AS, TR and MR? Need to look for IVRT duration will be less with AS than with TR and MR
true or false With AS acceleration time is longer TRUE
what is the greatest source of error between sonographers? measuring the LVOT diameter
What do you report on a patient with AS Dertermine how many AV leaftlets Get AS jet velocity Mean gradient AVA by continuity
How do you use planimetry for AS helpful with doppler is unreliable PSAX level of Ao Early systole Trace feature provides AVA in cm2 TEE Correlate AVA
Problems with planimetry of the AV shadowing, reverberations
When could you use Aortic Valve Index? AVA indexed for body size for kids, and small adults AVA index=AVA/BSA
Prosthetic Valves are indicated in? Valvular stenosis Valvular regurgitation Native valve endocarditis Aortic dissection with severe regurg
what are the two types of prosthetic valves? Bioprosthetic and Mechanical
What is a heterograft or xenograft? Animal to human porcine=pig bovine(pericardium)=cow
what is an auto-graft? self to self pulmonary to aorta
what is a homograft or allograft? cadaver
Advantages of Bio prosthetic valves may avoid anticoagularion lower pressure gradients central flow dynamics
Disadvantages of Bio Prosthetic valves Less durable longevity approx 10 years
What is another name for the Ball and Cage Valve? Starr Edwards
What is another name for the Tilting disc valve? Bjork Shiley
what is another name for the bi leaflet valve St. Jude 3 flow channels least stenotic
what are some complications of mechanical valves? thrombus, stenosis, dehiscence,infective endocarditis, hemolysis, mechanical failure, pannus
what is dehiscence? separation from the suture line
what is pannus? endotheleal overgrowth, tissue grows over metal and can cause stenosis and regurg
What will be listed on a patient identification card? type postion size (mm) Peak Gradient Mean Gradient EOA(valve area) velocity


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