Geography Tectonics


FlashCards sobre Geography Tectonics, criado por Zara Kanani em 05-11-2014.
Zara Kanani
FlashCards por Zara Kanani, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Zara Kanani
Criado por Zara Kanani mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Name the layers of the earths crust?
What is the mantle made from? *Semi molten rock called magma. *The upper parts of the mantle rock is hard but lower down it begins to get softer and melt.
What is the liquid layer made from? *Nickle and iron.
What is the name of the hottest part of the earth? *The inner core is the hottest part of the earth.
Define subduction? *The sinking of the oceanic crust at the destructive plate margin.
Define collision? *It is the meeting of 2 plates of continental crust. They are both the same type, so they meet and buckle.
Which way does the constructive plate margin move?
What direction does the conservative plate margin travel? The plate moves side by side.
What causes a destructive plate margin? *A destructive subduction plate boundary is found where a continental plate meets an oceanic plate.


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