Resistance to Social Influence


Chanelle Titchener
FlashCards por Chanelle Titchener, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Chanelle Titchener
Criado por Chanelle Titchener mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Resistance to Social Influence - Social Support - Locus of Control
Social Support Conformity - Asch (1956) found the presence of social support enables an individual to resist conformity pressure from the majority (33% to 5.5%) = breaks the unanimity Obedience - Disobedient peers act as role models - Obedience decreased to 10%
Evaluation > Importance of response order - Allen and Levine (1969) - More effective in position 1 than 4 > Support may not need to be valid to be effective - One confed wore glasses = visually impaired (test of visual discrimination)
Locus of Control A person's perception of personal control over their own behaviour. Internal - We control event in our lives, and behaviour is a consequence of our own actions. Active seekers of information. External - Approach events more passively and take less personal responsibility for their actions. Less resistant to influence.
Evaluation > People are not as external as they used to be - Historical trend - Meta-analysis (Twenge et al, 2004) - Young Americans believed their fate was determined by luck rather than their own actions


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