Business OCR formula


FlashCards sobre Business OCR formula, criado por Luigi Pozella em 20-11-2018.
Luigi Pozella
FlashCards por Luigi Pozella, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Luigi Pozella
Criado por Luigi Pozella quase 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
breakeven is when Revenue = TC
net cash flow cash inflows - cash outflows
closing balance opening balance + net cash flow
Margin of safety Current output - Breakevern output
Contribution selling price per unit - VC
Breakevern fixed cost ÷ contribution or fixed costs ÷ selling price per unit
Revenue price per unit × amount of units sold
Total varible costs Costs to make product × amount sold
Total costs Varible costs + fixed costs
Gross profit revenue - varible costs
Net profit gross profit - fixed costs
Gross profit margin (gross profit ÷ sales revenue )×100
net profit margin (net profit ÷sales revenue)× 100
ARR (avrage annual profit ÷ initinal capital outlay) × 100
Breakevern total fixed costs ÷ selling price per unit
contribution per unit selling price per unit - varible cost per unit


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