Ancient Rome


Freshman / Global Studies / Unit 5 / January 2018
E.M. Flood
FlashCards por E.M. Flood, atualizado more than 1 year ago
E.M. Flood
Criado por E.M. Flood mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
How did Rome settle? Tome/Italy settled ~1000 B.C.
Where was Rome's first settlement? Palentine Hill due to it being easily defended. The wealthy lived on top of the hill
What was the Roman Forum? Public areas to connect cities built between hills as the settlement expanded
What is the mythological side of the Roman creation story? Founded by Romulus/Remus in 750 BC. As Palentine Hill was being built Romulus killed Remus & named city after himself, became first dude.
Supposedly the twin were abandoned by _____ in the woods for fear that they would _____. Mars; overthrow him
Who were the Etruscans? A powerful people who lived nearby Rome, who also likely had a significant influence on the culture & early formation of Rome.
What was early leadership & rule like in Rome? ~ Ruled by series of kinds starting with Romulus ~ Kings elected for life ~ King acted as both leader of government & religion ~ Romance Senate (300 men) assisted King to rule
Why did Rome become a Republic? Rome had just ousted a violent/cruel king Tarquin from power, & did not want a repeat of this.
Describe the Roman Republic & its effect today Complex government with a constitution, detailed laws, & elected officials; Many ideas & structures of this became the basis for modern democracies.
Who was the consul? At the top of Roman Republic (very powerful position). To avoid dictatorship, 2 elected that only served one year; Consuls had wide range of powers, they decided when to go to war, how much taxes to collect, & what the laws were
Who were the senators? Elected for life, advised consul on what should be done
Who was the Plebian Council? Commoners or People's assembly; how regular people got a say in RR; elected a group who could veto senate
Who were the governors? With acquiring new lands, they would make sure Roman law was followed & people obeyed in new lands.
What was the Roman Constitution? More a set of guidelines that was passed down from generation to generation; provided separate branches of government & balance of power
How were people treated in the Roman Republic? ~ People treated differently based on their wealth, gender, & citizenship ~ More money equaled more voting power/position ~ Governors/senators = aristrocracy ~ But people had more say than in kindships
How can history be understood through coins? They tell one if the time period they came from was prosperous, who was ruler or what was important at the time, what date it was made, etc.
What are the 5 W's for the 1st triumvirate Who: Julius Caesar, Pompey, Crassus What: Uneasy alliance between the 3 that dominated politics in Rome Where: Rome/Egypt When: Came to power in 60 BC Why: Joined due to the only way to achieve their goals was to pool resources/support
What are the 5 W's for the 2nd triumvirate Who: Mark Antony, Octavian, Lepidus What: Octavian killed Lepidus, Oct. & A. distrusted one another Where: Northern Italy/Rome When:1st century BC Why: They distrusted each other
How did the triumvirates lead Rome from becoming a Republic to an Empire? It was the 2nd triumvirate that truly led the conversion to an empire. They distrusted each other, & after a series of civil wars, Octavian was victorious & upon becoming dictator, ended the Republic.
Who was Julius Caesar? One of 3 men in 1st triumvirate; great military leader; was killed in senate chamber when his enemies feared he would end the republic & become dictator
How was Julius Caesar important to Rome? He was the main driving force behind the demise of the Roman Republic and the creation of the Roman imperial system
Who were Gladiators? ~ Were slaves, criminals, prisoners of war ~ Would fight beasts/each other ~Type depended on fitness ~ Had to die in honor/no fear ~ Were the "rock stars" of Rome ~ Trained with different weapons ~ Lifespan incredibly short
Who were Women? ~ Dictated by 12 tables ~ Married women only wore stola ~ Could not adopt/be adopted ~ Couldn't teach/tutor ~ Couldn't transact business without male ~ Couldn't have wills or go to jury ~ Could go attend matches/theatres
Who were merchants? ~ sold pottery ~ Came from middle class ~ Some more successful/days were full ~ Had slaves to help ~ Store/wealth bequeathed ~ Decent parties/baths
Who were soldiers? ~ Trained to march 20 miles ~ Had to be able to swim,climb,penetrate fortresses ~ Built walls & roads ~ Paid one denarius daily ~ Marriage was forbidden/discouraged ~ Free education ~ Taught to die in battle
Who were farmers? ~ Fields mostly worked by slaves ~ Plows pulled by oxen ~ Grain harvested by hand until reaping machine called Vallus made in Gaul ~ Most grain from North Africa ~ Other crops were olives & grapes
What were schools like? ~ Most kids didn't go to school & helped parents at work instead ~ Girls rarely attended ~ Aged 7-12; few went to high school ~ Schools had 1 room/1 teacher ~ No desks, only stools/chairs ~ Taught: alphabet, read/write, poetry, calculations
What was entertainment & leisure like? ~ Swimming, board games, attending theatre, music, wrestling, boxing, racing, jumping, ball games, soccer, field hockey, hunting/fishing, horseback riding ~ Kept people content & prevented uprising
What was a typical soldier like? ~ Over 20 years old ~ Roman citizens ~ Recommended by someone ~ physically fit/good character ~ Not allowed to marry
What were some weapons/equipment soldiers used? Helmet, shoulder plates, body armor, dagger, shield, sandals, sword, groin protection, basket, pick, axe, posts for tents, cooking supplies, rations
What was some training the soldiers partook in? ~ March 30 km a month with armor ~ Do a drill once a day, twice if recruit ~ Learn to build camps, swim, sling stones, ride, mount/dismount from a horse fully armed with shield/no stirrups ~ Use a sword, spear, fight mock battles with covered weapons
What were some fighting techniques? ~ The repel-cavalry (DEF) ~ The wedge (ATK) ~ The tortoise (DEF) ~ The orb (DEF)
What were some punishments in the Roman army? ~ Vine sticks used to beat soldiers who had disobeyed an order ~ Fines ~ Those who left their posts or fell asleep on look out where beaten to death by fellow soldiers ~ Decimation (1/10 in cohort killed)
What were some rewards in the Roman army? ~ different ranks ~ medals, arm/neck bands, torques ~ Gold crowns & silver spears were given to soldiers
What were the economic reasons why Rome fell? ~ Vast overspending by government ~ High taxes & inflation rates ~ Wealthy citizens fled to avoid tax collectors, # of poor rose ~ Once expansion stopped, new lands/riches/slaves stopped coming into the Roman Empire
What were the militaristic reasons why Rome fell? ~ Armies ran out of soldiers, stretched too thin over too large of a territory ~ Military spent too much money ~ Struggled to communicate efficiently with each other
What were the corruption reasons why Rome fell? ~ Weak leaders ~ Corrupt government officials ~ Assassinations ~ Embezzlement
When did Rome officially fall? 476 AD
What were the other reasons why Rome fell? ~ Constantine / Christianity official religion / people split over religion ~ The empire divided into 2
How was the rise of Rome similar to Greece? (TBD)
How was the rise of Rome different from Greece? (TBD)
How was the fall of Rome similar to Greece? ~ There were powerful forces growing outside both empires ~ Society weakened due to desire of materialistic things & laziness ~ Divison of Rome into 2 and Greek's city-states
How was the fall of Rome different from Greece? ~ Rome: Heavy taxes, inflation, spread of Christianity (Religious unrest), slaves rebelling ~ Greek: City-states constant fighting, growing outside power


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