Bio 2


Notes update as I go
Noah Maczuga
FlashCards por Noah Maczuga, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Noah Maczuga
Criado por Noah Maczuga mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Taxonomy the science of classification
Morphology the study of the internal and external appearance of an organism
classification grouping organism into an organized scheme( arrangement)
Classification system kingdom is the broadcast category and species is the mosy specfic category
classfication by letter Kingdom= K Phylum= P Class= C Order=O Family= F Genus= G species= s
binomial nomenclature naming system with a 2 part scientific name
Scientific name 2 words(Genus species) name unique to a specific organism
Characteristics physical traits of an organism
cladogram a branching diagram that shows evolutionary relationship
derived character unique charactristic that defines a group of organisms
Evolution change over time
adaptation inherited characteristic that increases an organisms fitness
artificial selection selection by humans of desired traits
common descent principle that all living things have a common ancestor
fitness ability of an organism to survive and reproduce in its enviorment
natural selection individuals that are better suited in a enviroment to survive and reproduce
speciation formation of new species
struggle for existence competition among memebers of a species for survivablity
variation differances among species
embryology shows similarities in very-early development
fossils preserved forms of past organisms
transitional forms shows the change over time in fossil form
geographical distributuion orgins, spread and devolopment of a species
geology indicates where and when the organisms existed
molecular biology shows DNA/protein similarities among organisms
nuclear chemistry/radioactive daitng estimates age of fossil organism by determining the age of the rock from its radioactivity
half-life the amount of time it takes radioactivity to reduce/change by 1/2
analgous stuctures different structures on different organisms that preform the same
homologous structures similar structure on different organisms that dont prefom the same
vestigial structure part of an organism that serves no useful function or purpose


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