River Valley Civilization Vocabulary


FlashCards sobre River Valley Civilization Vocabulary, criado por Victoria Crawford em 18-11-2014.
Victoria Crawford
FlashCards por Victoria Crawford, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Victoria Crawford
Criado por Victoria Crawford mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Code of Hammurabi A series of laws created by the leader of Babylon named Hammurabi that contain topics on how to deal with slaves, divorce, criminal punishment, and interest rates on loans
Cuneiform The term, meaning “wedge shaped” for the writing system of Sumer in its late stages when the script became completely phonetic.
Gilgamesh Name of historic king of Uruk who ruled between 2700 and 2500 B.C.
Empire A large territory in which one people rule over other subject peoples with different languages and different religious traditions
Ur An ancient city state in Mesopotamia
papyrus A convenient but perishable writing material made from a reed that grew naturally along the Nile.
Pharaoh The god-king who ruled the unified kingdom of Egypt since at least 3100 B.C
Hieroglyphs The system of ancient Egypt, which consisted of different symbols, some pictorial, some phonetic, used on official inscriptions.
Nubia Region south of the first cataract on the Nile, in modern day Egypt and Sudan;was an important trading partner of Egypt.
Hatshepsut 5th pharaoh of the 18th dynasty. She was the first female pharaoh of ancient Egypt.
Rig Veda A collection of 1,028 sanskrit hymns composed around 1500 to 1000 B.C. yet written down around 1000 A.D.
Sanskrit A language, such as Latin, Greek, and English, belonging to the Indo-European language family and spoken by Indo-Aryan migrants to north India around 1500-1000 B.C.
vedic religion Religious belief system of Indo-European migrants to North India; involved animal sacrifices and elaborate ceremonies to ensure that all transitions in the natural world-day to night, or one season to the next proceeded smoothly.
Nomads A term for people who migrate seasonally from place to place to find grass for their herds. They do not usually farm but tend their herds all time.
Shang Dynasty China’s first historic dynasty. The earliest surviving records date to 1200 B.C. during the Shang. The Shang king ruled a small area in the vicinity of modern Anyang, in Henan province, and granted lands to allies in noble families.
Sima Qian The author of Records of the Grand Historian, a history of China from ancient legendary times to the first century B.C.
Zhou Dynasty The successor dynasty to the Shang that gained the Mandate of Heaven and the right to rule Chinese historians later recorded. Although depicted by later generations as an ideal age, the Zhou witnesses considerable conflict.
Oracle Bones The earliest surviving written records in China, scratched onto cattle shoulder blades and turtle shell bottoms, or plastrons. These record the diviners’ interpretations of the future


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