Woody, Alternate, Compound


for quiz 2 of bio 552, focusing on nomenclature and vegetative characteristics. For uses by wildlife, study the powerpoint in conjunction with quizzing these cards.
Wes Smalley
FlashCards por Wes Smalley, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Wes Smalley
Criado por Wes Smalley mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Anacardiaceae Cashew family. Rhus (sumacs) Vine/Shrub/Tree Alt, usu. Pinnate Resinous oils 5merous radial flowers Berries
Fabaceae Legume family. Gleditsia (honey locust), Prosopis (mesquite), Robinia (locust). All habits Alt, compound (usually pinnate) 5merous w/1 carpel Pod bearing fruit
Juglandaceae Walnut family. Carya (Hickory), Juglans (Walnut) Trees Deciduous, alt, odd-pinnate, toothed Husk covered nuts Aromatic/resinous
Rosaceae Rose family. Rosa (roses), Rubus (Blackberry) Woody, alt, toothed, w/stipules Showy flowers w/ Hypanthium
Rhus (sumac) Trees/Shrubs form thickets Alt, compound Flowers small, unisexual on separate inflorescence Small, 1-seed fruit, monecious
Gleditsia (Honey Locust) Trees Alt, 1-2x pinnate, deciduous Unisex greenish-white flowers Long, flattened fruit THORNS
Prosopis (mesquite) Shrub/Small tree. Round crown & Taproot Alt, comp, 1-2 spines at the node Bisexual spike inflorescence Narrow cylinder fruit
Robinia (Locust) Trees & Shrubs Alt, odd-pinnate. 2 thorns at branchlet nodes Racemes, white/pink, pea or bean flowers Thin, papery legumes
Carya (Hickory) Trees w/Taproots Large buds w/ loose-tight packed scales Alt, pinnate, gland dotted, w/3 lobed leaf scar Unisexual flowers, male catkins, monecious Fruits in 4 sectioned husk
Juglans (Walnuts) Trees w/ taproots Chambered pith in branches alt, pinnate, aromatic, 3 bundles in leaf scar Small unisexual flowers, males in catkins. monecious. Fruit in indehiscent husk
Rosa (roses) Low, prickly shrubs Alt, odd-pinnate, toothed, w/stipule. 3-7 leaflets 5merous, white-pink flowers, many stamen Fruit = hip, sometimes w/sepals
Rubus (Blackberries, etc) Arcing/trailing shrubs, prickles Alt, comp, whitish unsersides, toothed, stipules Bisexual white/pink flowers, multiple carpels Aggregate or Drupes
Nitrogen fixation The process by which atmospheric Nitrogen is made bioavailable by organisms.
Interspecific Hybrid A hybrid between two species
Organic molecules with considerable amounts of Nitrogen Nucleic acids, and protiens
What nutrients are in Nectar Sugar and amino acids
Lepidopterans Moths
What's the family and genus of Sumac? Anacardiaceae, Rhus
What nutrients are in Pollen Lipids and Protein
What is a stipule? A leaf-like structure at the base of the petiole
What is an aggregate fruit? A fruit from one flower composed of separate carpels.


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