Chapter 3: Anderson


FlashCards sobre Chapter 3: Anderson, criado por Katie Anderson em 12-02-2019.
Katie Anderson
FlashCards por Katie Anderson, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Katie Anderson
Criado por Katie Anderson mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Usury: ~Charging interest on loans
Penance: ~Punishment such as saying many prayers
Indulgence: ~A pardon in which sinners could be excused from Penance
Simony: ~A ticket that could buy you a position in the church
Heretic: ~People who didn't accept a religion's teachings
Liturgy: ~Form of service or practices within a religion
Secularism: ~Attitudes or activities that have no religious or spiritual basis
Individualism: ~Favoring freedom of action for individuals instead of governmental or religious control
Martin Luther: ~Wrote the 95 theses ~Resented the selling of indulgences ~Promoted 3 ideas: -Bible has ultimate authority -All Christians are equal before God -Faith is all you need to get to Heaven
John Calvin: ~Presented the idea of Predestination ~Heaven=Elect, Hell=Damned ~Believed that personal traits related to whether you were Damned or Elect
King Henry VIII: ~Pope gives him the title of "Defender Of Faith" ~Wanted divorce, yet the Pope couldn't allow it ~Called the Parliment to declare that the Pope had no authority
Cardinal Richelieu: ~Turned the 30 Yrs. War into a political conflict from a religious one
Queen Elizabeth: ~Protestant ~Treated Catholics equally, wanting to reduce tensions ~Defeated the Spanish Armada 1588
John Wycliffe: ~One of the earliest men to call for reform in the Church ~Translated the Bible into English ~Sent out groups of preachers to spread the word
Jan Huss: ~A Bohemian ~Openly questioned the infallibility of the Catholic Church and attacked the Catholic of the clergy ~Burned at the stake by the Church
Saint Ignatius of Loyola: ~Founded the Society of Jesus
Holy Roman Empire
The Black Death: ~Killed millions of people ~Made people question their faith because the Church couldn't explain the reason for it
Countries that resented the Pope's power: ~Germany ~England
Three Ideas of Martin Luther: ~ Salvation gained by faith, Faith=Heaven ~All faithful Christians are equal before God ~The Bible is the ultimate authority and should be available to everyone
The 95 Theses: ~Attacks the church on the selling of Indulgences ~Thousands of copies were made and spread all throughout Germany and other parts of the world ~Lead to the birth of Protestant Churches
Predestination: ~Presented by John Calvin ~Popular in France, Netherlands, Scotland, Eastern Europe ~A belief that it's predetermined by God whether you're going to Heaven or Hell ~Determined by one's character/personality
What Henry VIII Wanted: ~Divorce ~Eventually got his way through forcing the Pope out of power and making himself leader
Religion Of Northern Europe: ~Protestant
Religion Of Southern Europe: ~Catholic
The Hapsburg Dynasty: ~Controlled the Holy Roman Empire ~Known for their large chins and being inbred
The Thirty Years' War: ~Started between the Protestants and Catholics in 1618 ~Protestants won, German states are now independent ending the Holy Roman Empire
The Spanish Armada: ~The fleet of ships defeated in 1588 by Elizabeth I
Huguenots: ~Calvinists in France ~St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre, where Calvinists fought Catholics and more than 10,000 people died
The Edict Of Nantes: ~Issued by Henry Of Navarre ~Made Catholicism the official religion ~Allowed Huguenots to worship freely and to participate in politics
The Council Of Trent: ~Reaffirmed Church doctrines and practices
The Inquisition: ~Prosecuted and punished poorly performing Christians through torture and execution
The Society Of Jesus: ~Attempted to reform and combat Protestantism ~Spread through rural parts of Europe and places with no original religion
Languages The Bible was printed in: ~English ~French ~German


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