
FlashCards sobre CSEP, criado por rojeenn em 02-12-2014.
FlashCards por rojeenn, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por rojeenn quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
CSEP-PATH Sequence → 5 Key Steps • Step 1 – ASK → Get to know the client/Gain insight on their goals o Be authentic, engaging, and observant o Use open-ended questions to engage the client ‘how, what, why’ • Step 2 – ASSESS → Conduct physical activity, fitness, and/or lifestyle assessment • Step 3 – ADVISE → Summarize results and discuss • Step 4 – AGREE → Devise an action plan • Step 5 – ASSIST → Provide continuing support
Common Biases When Working With Those With Disabilities Generalizations o Assuming an individual who is blind is also deaf, or that a person with speech impediments has an intellectual disability Distressed Identification o Identifying the person with a disability as a tragic figure who needs pity Patronization o Assuming a person with a disability is dependent and in need of being taken care of, or a hero for living in that condition
AAL-Q – Abilities for Active Living Questionnaire • Used to identify a disability that may require some accommodation on the part of the facility or qualified exercise professional to facilitate a successful first meeting • NOT a risk screening device and NOT a replacement for the PAR-Q
Preliminary Instructions for Clients No food for 2 hours prior No caffeinated beverages 2 hours prior No smoking 2 hours prior No alcohol 6 hours prior •No exercise 6 hours prior
PAR-Q+ • Tool designed to identify those individuals for whom certain physical activity might be inappropriate, or have a condition that could be aggravated or made worse with physical activity • REQUIRED element for the CSEP-CPT • Valid for 12 months or unless health condition changes • A YES to questions 2,6,7 suggest the potential of unstable condition(s) and clearance by a physician, etc, is warranted
PAR-Q+ - When Should You Refer? • Client has 2 or more co-morbid conditions • Client has resting HR or BP above screening requirements • You do not feel you have the knowledge, skills, or abilities to work with them
IF you need to refer to a physician • Use the Physician Physical Activity Readiness Clearance form o Client must take completed PAR-Q+ as well as the Physician Clearance form to physician o Page 1 is to be completed and signed o Page 2 provides additional information
PARmed-X for Pregnancy • If a woman indicates she is pregnant, completion of this form is necessary • Must be reviewed with obstetrician to confirm she can proceed
Observations • Appraisal should be cancelled or postponed if clients: o Are pregnant females and do not have physician’s consent o Demonstrate difficulty breathing at rest o Cough persistently o Are ill or have a fever o Have lower extremity swelling o Are currently on medication o Have clearly ignored preliminary instructions o May be predisposed to unnecessary risk
• Tissue Structure o Nervous system, brain, heart, and liver to allow for transport of nutrients and chemicals across cell membrane
Buliding o Required for metabolic functions and formation of hormones such as estrogen that regulates menstrual cycle
• Vital Organ Protection o Serves as a shock absorber and protective shield
• Thermal Insulation o Controls body temperature
Transmission Transmission of nerve impulses
Fuel an efficent source of fuel for the body


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