OB Ch.7- Communication


FlashCards sobre OB Ch.7- Communication, criado por Anita Barryman em 06-12-2014.
Anita Barryman
FlashCards por Anita Barryman, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Anita Barryman
Criado por Anita Barryman quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Encoding Converting a message to symbolic form
Decoding Interpreting a sender's message
Communication apprehension Undue tension and anxiety about oral, written communication or both
Feedback loop The final link in the communication process; puts the message back in the system as a check against misunderstandings
Filtering A sender's manipulation of information so that it will be seen more favourably by the receiver
Information Overload The state of having more information than one can process
Communication Networks Channels by which information flows
Formal Networks Task-related communications that follow the authority chain
Informal Networks Communications that flow along social and relational lines
Grapevine The organizations most common informal network
Nonverbal Communication Messages conveyed through body movements, facial expressions and physical distance between the sender and receiver
Kinesics The study of body motions, such as gestures, facial configurations, and other movements of the body
Proxemics The study of physical space in interpersonal relationships


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