
1 English (Film Study) FlashCards sobre FILM TERMS, criado por Renee A. em 27-08-2013.
Renee A.
FlashCards por Renee A., atualizado more than 1 year ago
Renee A.
Criado por Renee A. aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

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ESTABLISHING SHOT/ EXTREME LONG SHOT Contains a large amount of landscape. It is often used at the beginning of a scene or a film to establish general setting/location.
LONG SHOT -Real distance between the audience and the screen in a cinema. -Showing the entire human body, with the head near the top of the frame and the feet near the bottom.
MEDIUM SHOT A figure from the knees/waist up and is normally used for dialogue scenes, or to show some detail of action.
CLOSE UP -concentrates on either a face, or a specific detail -enables viewers to understand the character's emotions -allow them to feel empathy for the character.
EXTREME CLOSE UP -an extreme version of the close up -magnifies beyond what the human eye would experience. -used for dramatic effect -creates an intense mood -provides interaction between the audience and the viewer.
OVER THE SHOULDER SHOT -Establish the position of each person, -Viewer is able to picture the other character point of view.
POINT OF VIEW SHOT -Shows what a character is looking at -allows the viewer to feel the same emotions as the character.
HIGH ANGLE -Angle that looks down upon a subject -Character will appear vulnerable or small.
BIRDS EYE VIEW ANGLE Angle that looks directly down upon a scene. This angle is often used as an establishing angle, along with an extreme long shot, to establish setting.
EYE LEVEL -Puts the audience on an equal footing with the character/s -Allows the viewers to feel comfortable with the characters
LOW ANGLE -Camera angle that looks up at a character -Character will appear powerful
PANNING Used to give the viewer a panoramic view of a set or setting
TRACKING Gives the viewer a detailed tour of a situation
TILT Shows detail on a subject up and down
ZOOM Places importance on an object/subject or character.
MONTAGE A succession of events over a long period of time.
CUT -The splicing of 2 shots together -a rapid transition between one time and space and another
CROSS-CUT -Cutting between different sets of action that can be occurring simultaneously or at different times -used to build suspense, or to show the relationship between the different sets of action.
DEEP FOCUS A technique in which objects very near the camera as well as those far away are in focus at the same time.
SHALLOW FOCUS where the depth of field is smaller keeping only one plane in sharp focus.
SHALLOW FOCUS where the depth of field is smaller keeping only one plane in sharp focus.
DIEGETIC SOUND Sound whose source is visible on the screen or whose source is implied to be present by the action of the film
NON-DIEGETIC SOUND Sound whose source is neither visible on the screen nor has been implied to be present in the action
AURAL BRIDGE Hearing the sound of the next shot before cutting to it – signals a transition
HIGH-KEY LIGHTING Bright lightning, usually provided by one source of light.


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