Muscular-Skeletal systems


GCSE PE (Chapter 3 (effects of exercise-responses and adaptations)) FlashCards sobre Muscular-Skeletal systems, criado por Camilla Donaldson em 13-12-2014.
Camilla Donaldson
FlashCards por Camilla Donaldson, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Camilla Donaldson
Criado por Camilla Donaldson aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What are the two main types of striated muscle fibres? Fast-twitch and slow twitch; which are classified on the basis of speed and contraction.
What are slow twitch fibres? Type l fibres are best suited for aerobic endurance type activities, long intensity-long duration as they have a slower contraction time.
What are fast twitch fibres? Type ll fibres are suited to high intensity, short duration anaerobic exercise. There are two types of type ll muscle fibres: -Type lla/ fast twitch oxidative glycolytic fibres are high intensity fibres which also possess endurance characteristics, suited for middle distance athletes or game players. (tennis player/ 1500m) -Type llb/ fast twitch glycolytic fibres are suited for maximal intensity but short duration activities (100m sprint/shot-put)
What are the responses of the muscular-skeletal responses to exercise? (3) -fibre recruitment -force production -metabolism
What are the skeletal responses to exercise? Greater flexibility occurs at joints, increased heat production causes increased production of synovial fluid which reduces friction at joints.
What are muscular adaptations to exercise? -dependant on the type of training, the muscle fibres will change. -with strength training muscle fibres can increase size by 40-45% -muscles develop a greater contractile force -connective tissue around the muscle will also experience an increase in strength, in turn increasing stability of joints.
What are the skeletal adaptations to exercise? -increased stress on the bone encourages increased strength developing along the direction of the stress in the bone. -greater bone density, as research suggests that the act of a muscle pulling upon a bone creates calcium deposits at the point of the stress. -weight bearing activities encourage a strengthening and thickening of the hyaline cartilage (cushions the joint).


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