gender gap within the education system


sociological explanations of the education system and why some do better than others
FlashCards por jessiebessie8, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por jessiebessie8 quase 10 anos atrás

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give two statistics that Browne and Webb stated about gender and achievement - girls do better than boys at every stage of SATs -girls generally outperform boys in GCSE's
give an evaluation point about Webb and Browne's statistics on gender girls and boys are both improving but girls at a faster rate
why do girls outperform boys? -girls mature faster than boys -teacher expectations -feminism -career opportunities
what has the impact of feminism done to educational achievement? it has made women more empowered
what is the sex discrimination act 1975? this made gender discrimination in employment illegal
what laws were put in place to stop gender discrimination? -equal pay -abortion laws -divorce law
who did a study about career opportunities and what did they find? Francis- interviewed girls about their career opportunities and concluded that due to increased employment opportunities, females have become extremely ambitious and aim for the 'high' professions such as doctors and solicitors
give evidence of the expectations of women changing Sue Sharpe- in 1976 she interviewed w/c girls in London and found that desperation's focused on family and motherhood. she repeated the study in 1994 and she found that girls had changed their aspirations- they wanted a career, independence and then maybe a relationship.
what did mitsos and Browne say about coursework and GCSE's? coursework was more beneficial for girls as they spend more time on their work, they are more organised and they take better are in presentation than boys do
give an evaluation point of mitsos and Brownes theory on coursework coursework isn't relevant anymore as the government is trying to get rid of it
what is a liberal feminists perspective on the gender gap in education? see the improvements as a positive step in breaking down gender inequality within the education system arguing that it shows that meritocracy is reality
what is a radical feminists perspective of the gender gap in education? they are more critical because they still see the education system as patriarchal
why is there still a gender gap in education? -females subject choices are still restricted -male teachers are still more likely to be the head teachers of secondary schools
what did Francis say about teacher attention when talking about gender? in the study found that boys received more attention than girls because they are more likely to be disruptive than girls
what did swann say about boys attracting teacher attention? boys dominate discussions whereas girls are more likely to work quietly
give a criticism of internal factors that explain the gender gap in education Janette Elwood- argues that exams are more important than course work and therefore the argument that coursework has effected girls achievement is flawed.
give 4 basic reasons why boys are underachieving -schools are feminised -competition is not promoted -lack of male role models -not enough discipline in schools
what did Arnot say about a feminised education system? believed that boys who conformed to 'girly' educational success would be bullied by male anti-school subcultures
what has a feminised economy done for the job opportunities for men? fewer 'male' jobs around than thee were 30 years ago as many manual jobs have moved abroad and men have been replaced by machines
who supports the idea of a feminised economy? Mac and Ghaill
what two names did a study on teacher expectations? kirkland rowland and myhill+jones
what did myhill and Jones' do in their study about teacher expectations and what did they find? they conducted semi- structured interviews and asked 144 students from years 1-10 whether teachers treated boys differently they found that participants indicated that boys were treated more negatively than girls in school.
what is the evaluation of myhill and jones' study on teacher expectations? it's a small study and would need to be bigger to able to prove that negative expectations from teachers towards boys is true.
what did kirkland Rowland do in their study about teacher expectations and what did they find? -surveyed 500 secondary schools -137,00 students and 280,000 parents found that parents had lower expectations of boys
what is the name of the sociologist that did a study on boys attitudes and expectations? Barber- found that boys tend to over estimate their own ability whilst girls tend to under estimate their ability
how are schools creating gender identities? by pushing boys into one role and girls into another
what percentage of women are clustered into 10% of occupations? 60%
why is the education system becoming flawed for both boys and girls? because they are able to choose their subjects
what did Connel say about gender identities? schools reinforced 'hegemonic masculinities' - the dominance of heterosexual masculine identities and the subordination of female and gay identities


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