Topic 4 cases


adriana calles
FlashCards por adriana calles, atualizado more than 1 year ago
adriana calles
Criado por adriana calles mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Re Lands allotment directors aren't regarded as trustees but they have an analogus position casue of the fiduciary dutries they owe to the company when working with funds
ASCFS shareholders cannot instruct directors by ordinary resolution
Harbottle shareholders cannot initiate legal proceedings, it's a management aspect
Runciman directors can act informally if they are unanimous
Queens Moat houses consti limited directors power to borrow. Special resolution but a class approval was also needed (not done). Directors faced personal liability until it was authorized
Faith consti may give enhanced voting rights in resolutions to remove directors, not accepted in public companies
Shirlaw employed as a managing director, removed as managing but said that not as director. Baystandar test applied
Grant if it's a limit on director's power to exercise company's powers, shareholders have residual power to authorise or ratify under ordinary resolution
Fuke if the limit restricts what the company as entity may do, shareholders have to rely in their power to amend consti. Special resolution
Oxborough company set up to manage commercial aspects, can't be implied another circumstance that is different
Pender shareholders can enforce membership rights
Eley non-members cannot directly enforce a provision that purports to be for their benefit. They'll need to establish a distinct contract


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