Here Today, Gone Tomorrow


Flashcards covering extinction and other related subjects.
FlashCards por Livi_Eastman, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por Livi_Eastman aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

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Here Today, Gone Tomorrow Revision Flashcards
What does extinction mean? A situation in which something no longer exists.
What does inoculation mean? To vaccinate against something. (e.g. Measles)
Where is Mauritius? Mauritius, is a small island in the Indian Ocean roughly about 2,000 kilometres off the southeast coast of the African continent.
How did the Dodo become extinct? They were completely fearless of humans, this made them easy prey - and food. Humans did eat them, however that wasn't the main problem. Animal such as; dogs, pigs, cats and rats would sabotage their nests and destroy their eggs. Furthermore, Humans destroyed their forest habitat.
When did the Woolly Mammoth live? About 200,000 to 135,000 years ago.
How did the Woolly Mammoth become extinct? There are three main reasons: Climate Change Poaching Habitat Loss. It is also due to the fact that their food source died.
What does 'Inhabitants' mean? People or animals that live somewhere
What does 'Overexploited' mean? Also known as overharvesting, refers to harvesting a renewable resource to the point of diminishing returns.
What does 'Megafauna' mean? The large mammals of a particular region, habitat, or geological place.
What does 'Poaching' mean? To catch and to kill animals without permission on someone else's land.
What does 'Conservation' mean? An act of preserving, guarding or protecting.
What does 'Sustainability' mean? Maintaining something at a certain rate or level.
What does 'Eco-Tourism' mean? Tourism directed towards exotic natural environments, intended to support conservation efforts.
What does 'Contagious' mean? Spread from one object to another typically by direct contact.
What causes extinction? Poaching Climate Change Over-Fishing Global Warming Something going wrong in the food chain
What are the effects of extinction? Damage to food chain Species is never seen again
Who are the victims of, or facing extinction? The Dodo The Panda The Rhino The Elephant
What are the reasons for poaching? For Medicine For Food For Ivory For Skin
Where is Easter Island? Easter Island is located in the South Pacific ocean. It is a small island around 2200m west of South America. It's just south of the Tropic of Capricorn and further south from the Equator (around 1500).
Where did the people who inhabited Easter Island come from? Polynesia.
How many people lived on the Island at its Peak? 12,000
How were the statues of Easter Island moved? They were pushed to the edge of the island on log rollers.
What were two impacts of cutting down the trees? The soil was washed away and the people could no longer grow crops on the island. They could no longer go on fishing.
What did they start to do when food began to run out? They ate each other (cannibalism).
What happened to the total population? It went from 300 to 111.
Who brought disease to the Island and when? Dutch explorers, when they landed on Easter Day in 1722.
Where could you once find the Black Rhino? Through-out the sub Saharan Dessert.
Why is the Black Rhino declining so fast? They are seen as pests to farmers. Poaching has increased from the 1970's for their horns. Habitat loss.
How many Black Rhinos are there now? Just under 3000 are left.
What are some of the most endangered animals? The Black Rhino The Mountain Gorilla The Gelada Baboon
What is Smallpox? Smallpox is a serious, highly contagious, and sometimes fatal infectious disease caused by a virus. However, it no longer exists.
Who is Edward Jenner? A scientist from the 18th Century who helped to cure Smallpox.


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