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Criado por Livi_Eastman
aproximadamente 10 anos atrás
Questão | Responda |
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow | Revision Flashcards |
What does extinction mean? | A situation in which something no longer exists. |
What does inoculation mean? | To vaccinate against something. (e.g. Measles) |
Where is Mauritius? | Mauritius, is a small island in the Indian Ocean roughly about 2,000 kilometres off the southeast coast of the African continent. |
How did the Dodo become extinct? | They were completely fearless of humans, this made them easy prey - and food. Humans did eat them, however that wasn't the main problem. Animal such as; dogs, pigs, cats and rats would sabotage their nests and destroy their eggs. Furthermore, Humans destroyed their forest habitat. |
When did the Woolly Mammoth live? | About 200,000 to 135,000 years ago. |
How did the Woolly Mammoth become extinct? | There are three main reasons: Climate Change Poaching Habitat Loss. It is also due to the fact that their food source died. |
What does 'Inhabitants' mean? | People or animals that live somewhere |
What does 'Overexploited' mean? | Also known as overharvesting, refers to harvesting a renewable resource to the point of diminishing returns. |
What does 'Megafauna' mean? | The large mammals of a particular region, habitat, or geological place. |
What does 'Poaching' mean? | To catch and to kill animals without permission on someone else's land. |
What does 'Conservation' mean? | An act of preserving, guarding or protecting. |
What does 'Sustainability' mean? | Maintaining something at a certain rate or level. |
What does 'Eco-Tourism' mean? | Tourism directed towards exotic natural environments, intended to support conservation efforts. |
What does 'Contagious' mean? | Spread from one object to another typically by direct contact. |
What causes extinction? | Poaching Climate Change Over-Fishing Global Warming Something going wrong in the food chain |
What are the effects of extinction? | Damage to food chain Species is never seen again |
Who are the victims of, or facing extinction? | The Dodo The Panda The Rhino The Elephant |
What are the reasons for poaching? | For Medicine For Food For Ivory For Skin |
Where is Easter Island? | Easter Island is located in the South Pacific ocean. It is a small island around 2200m west of South America. It's just south of the Tropic of Capricorn and further south from the Equator (around 1500). |
Where did the people who inhabited Easter Island come from? | Polynesia. |
How many people lived on the Island at its Peak? | 12,000 |
How were the statues of Easter Island moved? | They were pushed to the edge of the island on log rollers. |
What were two impacts of cutting down the trees? | The soil was washed away and the people could no longer grow crops on the island. They could no longer go on fishing. |
What did they start to do when food began to run out? | They ate each other (cannibalism). |
What happened to the total population? | It went from 300 to 111. |
Who brought disease to the Island and when? | Dutch explorers, when they landed on Easter Day in 1722. |
Where could you once find the Black Rhino? | Through-out the sub Saharan Dessert. |
Why is the Black Rhino declining so fast? | They are seen as pests to farmers. Poaching has increased from the 1970's for their horns. Habitat loss. |
How many Black Rhinos are there now? | Just under 3000 are left. |
What are some of the most endangered animals? | The Black Rhino The Mountain Gorilla The Gelada Baboon |
What is Smallpox? | Smallpox is a serious, highly contagious, and sometimes fatal infectious disease caused by a virus. However, it no longer exists. |
Who is Edward Jenner? | A scientist from the 18th Century who helped to cure Smallpox. |
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