Hellenistic Period


1 History of Art I FlashCards sobre Hellenistic Period, criado por Alex Papoutsas em 14-07-2019.
Alex Papoutsas
FlashCards por Alex Papoutsas, atualizado 11 meses atrás
Alex Papoutsas
Criado por Alex Papoutsas aproximadamente 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Paeonius of Ephesos, Daphnis of Miletos, aerial view of the Temple of Apollo (looking east), Didyma, Turkey, begun ca. 300 BCE.
Athena battling Alkyoneos, detail of the gigantomachy frieze, Altar of Zeus (fig. 5.79), Pergamon, Turkey, ca. 175 BCE. Marble.
Epigonos(?), Gallic chieftain killing himself and his wife. Roman copy of a bronze statue of ca. 230–220 bce. Marble, 6' 11" high. Palazzo Altemps, Museo Nazionale Romano, Rome.
Epigonos(?), dying Gaul. Roman copy of a bronze statue of ca. 230–220 BCE. Marble
Alexandros of Antioch, Aphrodite (Venus de Milo), from Melos, Greece, ca. 150–125 BCE. Marble,
Sleeping Eros, from Rhodes, ca. 150–100 bce. Bronze
Sleeping satyr (Barberini Faun), from Castel Sant’Angelo, Rome, Italy, ca. 230–200 BCE. Marble
Seated boxer, from the Baths of Constantine, Quirinal hill, Rome, Italy, ca. 100–50 BCE. Bronze.
Old market woman. Roman copy(?) of a marble statue of ca. 150–100 BCE.
Polyeuktos, Demosthenes. Roman copy of a bronze original of ca. 280 BCE. Marble
Athanodoros, Hagesandros, Polydoros, Laocoön and his sons, from Rome, Italy, early first century ce. Marble


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