offer and invitation to treat


FlashCards sobre offer and invitation to treat, criado por allie hatch em 22-07-2019.
allie hatch
FlashCards por allie hatch, atualizado more than 1 year ago
allie hatch
Criado por allie hatch aproximadamente 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
what are the 2 questions that you need to ask in order to see if an offer has been made? - has an offer been made? - has that offer been effectively communicated ?
where is the definition of offer found ? what does it say? - Treitel - an expression of willingness to contract on certain terms, made with the intention it shall be binding
a proposal amounts to an offer if.. - it is intended to result in a contract and - it contains sufficiently definite terms
what can you look at to determine whether there has been an offer or an invitation to treat ? case? - language used Gibson v Manchester cc
what are Ads, brochures and price lists ? case ? an invitation to treat -Carlill v Carbolic Smoke ball
what are shop displays ? cases? what does DCFR say? an invitation to treat - Fisher v Bell - Pharmaceutical GB v Boots - they are a standing offer
what are websites ? so when is the offer then made? invitation to treat offer is then made at the checkout
what about auctions ? invitation to treat - Haris v Nickerson (each bid is an offer, but request for bit Is itt)
what do shop keepers have the right to do? they have the right to refuse sale
so, what about in terms of self service ?- when is the offer made? cases ? offer is not made when picking up the items as this can be impractical - Boots made when scanning, acceptance is when paid for - Unger - Chapeton v Barry


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