VCE Unit 2 English Language word formation processes with examples


a selection of word formation processes
Laura Smith
FlashCards por Laura Smith, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Laura Smith
Criado por Laura Smith quase 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Neologism A newly coined word. eg. internet.
commonisation When names extend from a specific case to become a household world. eg. Google
Acronyms Words formed from the initials of other words. eg. Laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation).
Initialisms Words that are pronounced as strings of letters. eg. TBH (to be honest)
Compounding A way of forming a new word by combining two or more free morphemes. they can be written as two words, one solid word or with a hyphen. eg. Ice Cream, Icecream, Ice-cream.
Shortening A word formation process that produces abbreviated versions of longer words. eg. loony (lunatic)
Affixation A morphological process that involves the addition of bound morphemes (or affixes) to a word stem. eg. unbelievable.
Blends A word formation process resulting from the fusion of two or more elements. eg. vlog (video + log).


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