Animal Farm- Main events... what chapters?


FlashCards sobre Animal Farm- Main events... what chapters?, criado por lianastyles17 em 25-01-2015.
FlashCards por lianastyles17, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por lianastyles17 mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
When does Old Major's speech occur? Chapter 1!
When does Old Major die? Chapter 2!
When does the rebellion occur? Chapter 2!
When does the farm change from 'Manor Farm' to 'Animal Farm'? Chapter 2!
Who writes the 7 Commandments of Animalism on the end of the barn and when? Snowball writes the condensed teachings from Old Major in Chapter 2!
When did the animals destroy the symbols of their oppression? Chapter 2- after rebellion!
The milk and the apples go missing... but when do we find out who to? Chapter 3! Squealer states the milk and windfall apples are to be reserved for the pigs consumption alone...
When is the animal farm flag created and what do the symbols stand for? Chapter 3!- The green stands for the green fields of England and the horn and hoof signify the future republic which would come once the human race had finally been overthrown.
When is the Battle of the Cowshed? Chapter 4!
When are the 'Animal hero- First class' medals awarded to Boxer and Snowball- when is the 'Animal hero- Second class' rewards to the dead sheep? Both- Chapter 4!
When are Snowballs plans for a windmill revealed? Chapter 5!
When does the tension for power rise between Napoleon and Snowball? Chapter 5!
When is Snowball exiled? Chapter 5!
When is worked increased for all animals despite the pigs? Chapter 6!
When do the pigs begin to sleep in the beds in the farmhouse? Chapter 6!
When do we see the animals first engaging in trade? Chapter 6!
When does the windmill collapse during the storm? Chapter 6!
When is Beasts Of England outlawed- banned? Chapter 7!
When are the show trials? Chapter 7!
When do the hens rebel after being asked to give their eggs to the pigs to be sold for trade? How do they rebel? Chapter 7! They fly up to the rafters and smash their eggs.
When do the animals begin re-building the windmill for the first time? Chapter 7!
When do Frederick and his men destroy the windmill? Chapter 8!
Battle of the windmill? Chapter 8!
When do the pigs begin to drink alcohol? Chapter 8!
When do the animals begin re-building the windmill for a second time? Chapter 9!
When is the pigs most loyal, hard-working 'comrade' sent to the knackers? Chapter 9!
When does Napoleon become president? After being the only one elected? Chapter 9!
When are rations reduced for the second time- or 're-adjusted' as Squealer likes to put it? Chapter 9!
When do the pigs begin walking on their hind legs? Chapter 10!
When can the farm animals no loner distinguish between the pigs and the humans? Chapter 10!
By what chapter is the rebellion forgotten by most animals? Chapter 10!
What is the final commandment of animalism and when is it made? "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others"- Chapter 10!


Animal Farm Chapter Overview
Animal Farm CONTEXT
Lydia Richards2113
Animal Farm- The Pigs
Animal Farm
Animal Farm Quotes
Animal Farm Characters
Key Events of Chapters in Animal Farm
Animal Farm Characters
Matthew Lander
Paul Joakim
Talia Waldron
Animal Farm Characters
Talia Waldron