First day back Quiz and Map Skills


Cambridge IGCSE geography FlashCards sobre First day back Quiz and Map Skills, criado por Konrad O'Neill em 04-09-2013.
Konrad O'Neill
FlashCards por Konrad O'Neill, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Konrad O'Neill
Criado por Konrad O'Neill mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
How are waves formed? Waves form due to wind blowing over the sea (fetch). Nearer to the coast, friction with the sea bed causes the front of the wave to slow down and the back of the wave to catch up
Describe two differences between a constructive wave and a destructive wave? Constructive wave forms/shapes the beach, they are lower in height and further apart. Destructive waves destroy materials and move it back to sea, they are higher in height and more frequent
What is Backwash? Backwash is the movement from the beach, back out towards the sea
What is Mass Movement? Mass Movement is the downwards movement of materials due to gravity
What is Weathering? Weathering is the breakdown of materials either chemically, physically or mechanically
You can determine a hill on a map as the lines become more frequent and are a lot closer together. You can see which way the photographer was looking by using the directions on the map of the location. You can see why an area is a popular Tourist attraction as the landscapes are eroded due to multiple people walking, causing the grass to die and erode.
From the image how can you tell that the water had eroded the hard rock? The seaward wall is smaller than the landward wall which indicates erosion
How can you tell that the materials past the Portland rock were weaker? Lines are horizontal where they should be vertical which indicates folding. Seaward wall smaller which indicates faster rates of erosion
You can tell what areas are used for by looking at the key telling you what each bit means and also how steep an area is or if it is flat. You can tell that the landslide was more devostating than normal because there is a shear drop which would have allowed the glacier piece to fall causing it to increase in speed and continuing
When converting bearing on a map to a compass or vice versa you must allow for magnetic variation. From Grid to Mag, Add From Mag to Grid, Get Rid If a square is 1km x 1km then it is 1km2 Then a three digit grid reference is 100m2 And a four digit grid reference is 10m2


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