031 PHRASES 50


Reni Apostolova
FlashCards por Reni Apostolova, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Reni Apostolova
Criado por Reni Apostolova mais de 5 anos atrás

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Questão Responda
AN UPHILL BATTLE / STRUGGLE / TASK Unless you have a goal your learning will be an uphill struggle. It will be an uphill battle to get a pay rise. Getting my son to eat vegetables is often a real uphill battle. something that is very difficult to achieve and needs a lot of effort and determination ~ мъчителна битка ~ непосилна задача
A BREATH OF FRESH AIR 1. Osborne’s play brought a breath of fresh air to the British theatre. We need a breath of fresh air in school inspections 2. I’m going outside for a breath of fresh air. 1. something that is new and different in a way you think is exciting and good нещо освежаващо ~ свеж полъх 2. clean air outside, that you feel you need after being inside for a long time глътка свеж въздух
IN FAVOUR OF Those in favour of the motion, please raise your hands now. The court ruled in Mrs Adams’ favour. They have come down very strongly in favour of the proposed changes. supporting a person or an idea, proposal etc that you believe is right в подкрепа на Който подкрепя предложението, моля да вдигне ръка. Съдът отсъди в полза на г-жа Адамс. Те решиха твърдо да подкрепят предложените промени.
STATE OF THE ART My new car is state of the art – it’s solar powered. I bought a state-of-the-art robot vacuum cleaner – it really works! something high-tech, modern,
TAKE A TOLL The recession has taken a heavy toll. TAKE ITS TALL ON The stress was beginning to take its toll on their marriage. to harm or damage someone or something, especially in a gradual way преносно, в негативен смисъл: ~ плащам сега цената за нещо, което се е случвало продължително време
GO BEGGING That's what I love about weddings. The day after, leftover food always goes begging. It's going to be cold, and I have a coat going begging if you like. I don't use it anymore. If this piece of cake is going begging, I"ll have it. if something goes begging, it is free to be taken ~ нещо, което е на разположение, защото никой друг не го иска
BEHIND BARS Seventy per cent of prisoners are back behind bars within two years of release. He was sentenced to life behind bars for her murder in June this year. put someone behind bars keep someone behind bars spend time behind bars in prison зад решетките; в затвора syn: imprisoned, do time be a guest of Her Majesty
BUY (IT) It’s her birthday, but I told her I had to work late. She’ll never buy that! She'll never buy that story about you getting lost! to believe or accept something, especially something that is unlikely to be true or reasonable да повярвам
WITH ONE ACCORD 1. With one accord, the delegates walked out of the conference. 2. A row of faces turned our way with one accord. 1. If people do something with one accord, they do it together and in complete agreement единодушно, в пълно съгласие 2. formal: doing the same thing at exactly the same time (като един), едновременно
OF YOUR OWN ACCORD She came of her own accord. No one asked her to come. Do you think David resigned on his own accord? If you do something of your own accord, you do it without being asked to do it, without being forced or helped by someone else по своя собствена инициатива, по свое желание, доброволно
1. RAY OF HOPE No matter how difficult situation is, there is always a ray of hope. offer, be, see, give, have, bring a ray of hope 2. GLIMMER OF HOPE The transplantation offers Lucy and her parents a new glimmer of hope. 1. small signal that things will improve лъч надежда 2. very very small ray of hope искрица надежда
MOMENT OF RECKONING DAY OF RECKONING There will be a day of reckoning for our lying Prime Minister. Continue on as you have and a day of reckoning will find you. time when past mistakes or crimes must be dealt with time when you are forced to deal with the results of your actions time when past mistakes must be punished or paid for ден за разплата ден на истината видов ден syn: judgement day
PIN YOUR HOPES ON (SOMETHING) (SOMEBODY) They pinned their hopes on the new coach and his unusual tactics to win. He spent his last dollar on a lottery ticket, and pinned all his hopes on that. to hope that someone or something will help you because all your plans depend on this надявам се, уповавам се букв: забождам (прикачам) надеждите си към
IT IS 100 YEARS TO THE DAY THAT... (for example: women in UK got the vote) IT IS 100 YEARS TODAY THAT... TODAY MARKS 100 YEARS TODAY THAT... днес се навършват .....години от ......
IN / OUT OF THE PUBLIC EYE Her job keeps her in the public eye. They insist on keeping their children out of the public eye. She urged celebrities and people in the public eye not to wear fur as this can lead to fashion trends being set. well known / not well known to people in general в центъра на вниманието под светлините на прожектора syn: limelight /ˈlʌɪmlʌɪt/ the focus of public attention
DIG IN YOUR HEELS DIG IN YOUR FEET The opposition party dug in their heels and refused to change their positions. resist stubbornly refuse to cooperate ~ запъвам се като магаре на мост
BE AIMED AT The advertisement was aimed at males between the ages of 18 to 34. if a plan or idea is aimed at a particular thing, it has the goal of achieving that thing насочен съм към (цел, аудитория)
BE ASSOCIATED WITH Drinking milk is often associated with strong bones. to be connected with something in some way свързан съм
BE BASED ON The study was based on 10 years of close observation. to use particular ideas or facts to make a decision, do a calculation, or develop a theory базиран на основан на
BE REGARDED AS BE SEEN AS Albert Einstein is regarded as the premier theoretical physicist of the 20th century. бивам считан за бивам смятан за (някой) се счита за
BE DEFINED AS Darkness is defined as the absence of lihgt. бивам определен като (нещо) се определя като
BE DERIVED FROM Some medicines are derived from herbs. бивам извлечен от (нещо) е извлечено от
BE DIVIDED INTO Canada is devided into provinces and territories. бивам разделен на
BE PREJUDICED AGAINST /ˈpredʒʊdɪst/ Humans are often prejudiced against people they do not understand. someone who is prejudiced has an unreasonable opinion or feeling about someone or something, especially hatred or fear of a particular group of people бивам предубеден
BE REQUIRED FOR Regular sleep is required for good health. изисква се
USHER IN The railways ushered in an era of cheap mass travel. It closed a chapter of history that had been ushered in by the October revolution in 1917. A week later as the New Year was ushered in, another bomb was discovered at St George's monastery in Mosul. cause or mark the start of something new известявам за въвеждам в
I'LL COVER YOU I'LL GET IT I GOT IT IT'S ON ME MY TREAT SPLIT THE BILL pay for someone поемам плащането на сметката divide the bill поделяме си сметката
LIVING CHECK TO CHECK живея от заплата на заплата, не мога да спестя пари
CALL TIME ON She has decided to call time on her tennis career. The café bar currently calls time at 11 pm, roughly when the venue's nightly gig ends. call time on smoking call time on cigarettes to announce the end of an activity обявявам край на действие, процес
BETWEEN JOBS I'm between jobs. We'll also have associated members - former coaches or individuals who are between jobs. a euphemistic way of reffering to a person being temporarily unemployed безработен в момента; временно безработен
TEETER ON THE EDGE The country teetered on the brink of civil war. The corporate sector is already teetering on the edge of a profits crisis, as the next chart shows. be very close to a difficult or dangerous situation намирам се на ръба на... изправен съм пред...
IN A JIFFY I'll be back in a jiffy. Recommended software upgrades can be brought down in a jiffy. Maintenance Man tells me he will be up to my office in a jiffy. a very short time ей сега веднага след секунда
IN THE SPOT LIGHT Their wedding announcement put the celebrities in the spotlight. UNDER THE SPOTLIGHT The CEO is now under the spotlight in this fraud investigation. STEAL THE SPOTLIGHT 1. a situation in which you get a lot of public attention syn: limelight, to be in a public eye в центъра на вниманието 2. to be investigated бивам разследван 3. to do that makes people pay more attention to you than to other people syn: upstage
TO TABLE A PROPOSAL / QUESTION / MOTION Dr Clark tabled a motion for debate at next month's committee meeting. Mr Baldwin tabled proposals which involved payments of L34 million a year. He has tabled a question on the issue for tomorrow's council meeting. to formally present a proposal / question / motion for other people to discuss поставям за обсъждане предложение, въпрос
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED Let's not declare mission accomplished yet. From his point of view the election represented a mission accomplished. used to indicate that an objective has been achieved or a task completed успешно изпълнение на задача като фраза: мисията завършена!
THE HEART OF SOMETHING 1. The corruption inquiry went right to the heart of the matter. 2. Our offices are in the heart of London. to be the most important or central part of something 1. най-важното, най-същественото 2. в центъра на нещо (физически)
IN ALL PROBABIITY Woman tend to blame themselves for the loss, when in all probability there was nothing they could have done to prevent it. She knew that, in all probability, he was seeing other woman as well as herself. a strong / high / low / probability an equal probability used to convey that something is very likely по всяка вероятност
IN PREFERENCE TO SOMEBODY / SOMETHING She was chosen in preference to her sister. They bought French planes in preference to British ones. rather than somebody / something вместо (в смисъл предпочетен на мястото на някого / нещо)
ON ALERT Be on alert for anyone acting suspiciously. Troops in the vicinity were put on alert. ready to take action to deal with dangerous situation в готовност, нащрек syn: on guard
THEN AND THERE They wanted me to make a decision then and there. I was hired then and there. immediately at that moment and in that place веднага на момента (например ако още при интервю за работа наемат някого - в смисъл на момента, без да се изчаква)
QUICK AND EASY The test was quick and easy. quick and easy cook book when something doesn't take much time and a lot of effort много лесно
SLOW BUT SURE It's a project that's been in the works for 2 years, going slow but sure. Brian took the animal home and the recovery has been slow but sure. slow and gradual but achieving the required result eventually бавно и постепенно
VICE VERSA /ˌvaɪs ˈvɜː.sə/ The police maintain she is lying and vice versa. She's very angry with him and vice versa. used to say that what you have just said is also true in the opposite order He doesn't trust her, and vice versa (= she also doesn't trust him) и обратно
IN SOME WAYS In some ways television is more challenging than theatre. We used to spend all of our free time together and, in some ways, we are more like sisters. to a certain extent (used to reduce the effect of a statement) в известна степен
AT A TIME 1. Please speak one at a time and not all at once. I can only do one thing at a time. He took the stairs two at a time. 2. She can sit and read for hours at a time. 1. during one particular moment one at a time = едно по едно / един по един two at a time = по две на веднъж 2. during one period of time without stopping конкретно в случая: може да чете часове наред, може да чете непрекъснато с часове
EVER SINCE 1. I met Harry at school and we've been friends ever since. 2. Ever since I can remember, I've wanted to be a dancer. Ever since his wife left him, he's had a drink problem. during the whole period of time since someting happened 1. от тогава 2. откакто
PRIVATE MEANS He inherited private means just sufficient to enable him to live as a man of letters. he great inventors were always men of private means. income that you receive from your family, investments, or land, and not from a job
THE WORKING OF SOMETHING I shall never understand the workings of his mind (=how he thinks). Poweful microscopes reveal the inner working of cells. the way in which a machine, organization, or system operates функциониране, начин на работа
AS MANY AS As many as 500,000 people may have become infected with the virus. used before a number for showing how large and surprising it is над ....(посоченото число)
CUT SOMEONE SOME SLACK Cut him a little slack – his father just died. We need to cut him some slack for his lateness. He has a young baby. to be less strict with someone проявявам снизхождение към някого


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